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Would you buy an Xperia 1 VI? And why?


buy an ad


2 + x = 4
x = ?
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Find the gender of x…,..,..:;;,,;


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/math/ - mathposting board then?


uh, 2


would be the most barren dead board


>tfw xe doesnt have a thermal webcam


Is it FLIR?


Peltier junctions are cool


also yes, TAU 2 even though i dont have the adaptor to change the palate nor the software
<posted in a broken thread award


But i do?


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What's the usecase for a thermal webcam?

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>using linux for privacy


fr nobody cares about privacy
feds dont give a shit


least obvious glownigger in ohio:


Thanks, now I have to buy glasses after getting blinded by the glow


Why would le happy merchant man be gleeful over that

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i have absolutely no programming experience or background but i think trying to learn a low level language would be funny
where do i start and how quickly will i give up


How low-level are you talking? You could either start with an assembly language (which is the closest to the hardware you'll get), or something higher level like C.

There are exhaustive C resources everywhere.

For getting started with assembly I recommend following this interactive tutorial for the MOS 6502 (a relatively simple CPU from 1975, famous for being used in the NES, Apple II, among others). https://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/


>I recommend following this interactive tutorial for the MOS 6502 (a relatively simple CPU from 1975, famous for being used in the NES, Apple II, among others). https://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/
thank you, this is exactly what i wanted
poking around with what is essentially the hardware itself is incredibly interesting to me


for modernware
read the UEFI spec and other OSdev things.


lmao what is that flash ahh emulator


>neofetch | lolcat


>neofetch | lolcat
>neofetch | gay
>neofetch | toilet –gay


should i downgrade to win10 or shall i stay on glowdows 11?
give me a reason (or more) why.
alternatives also recommended if that matters
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


use windows 11 enterprise


If you use Linux Mint or Fedora, and you know how to follow the online guides, then it's not that bad.

Don't use Arch Linux or Gentoo Linux, as those distros are hard to learn.

If you don't like Linux / BSD, then you can go with the newest Windows 11, which has all modern functionalities that many Aryan Chad Soyteen Loves.

Only the CIA and the FBI will says that Windows 11 sucks on this Imageboard.

And the one who says that Linux / BSD sucks is also CIA / FBI / J.L.Irwin.
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im using ubuntu now goyim, win10 froze on me, fml (pic taken tuesday)


atleast use fedora with gnome then


get datamined stupid noob

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Gooning is a science
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fat chink presenting about gooning streak while having his image background of trap porn like wtf is this shit


Imagine having to explain to a room full of people what fucking gooning is.. This nigga should bulk and dopamine detox for real


Screenshot from root presentation where he tried to explain how he will save the sharty


yeah it only misses the zellig alliance


It’s over…

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 β„–16422[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

I may or may not be running a small (((datamining))) operation and I have NO IDEA where this tranny is from
From the information I'm managed to collect these seem to be the options:
1) Texas
2) United Kingdom
3) Germany
Any fellow glowies willing to share their findings?
403 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>it doesnt have to been almost half a year
>you still didn't even figure out which continent gnuschizo dies on


He is German retard


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>this thread is a reminder as to why namefags and tripfags are the absolute vantanigger brimstones




bump because why not

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