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which is better? pneumatic animatronics or servo animatronics?

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i want to rank 1 in google search results
how to do it?


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Debiansisters, was xhe trans coded?


ancient celtic aryancoded


i love coming up with retarded names for my imageboard related projects by naming them after things from the sharty
marge.moe's components for example: the scraper is called Edwardo, the frontend is called Кuznetsov and the REST API is called Fingerboy


based and same
nice names

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The peak of user interface design. Linuxtroons could never make the GUI look this good.




gemmish bait. kde 2 and windows 2000 are simultaneously the best, i think


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>old windows

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If you’re lucky enough to survive a nuclear apocalypse, you will inevitably start looking for things to do.

You can forget about Facebook and TikTok because the Internet will most likely be down unless Elon Musk decides to go to Mars without Starlink but he most likely will take his Internet with him.

So what are you supposed to do other than play with rocks and meditate all day long?

What if I told you that life during post apocalypose doesn’t have to be boring? What if I told you that you can survive without Internet? What if I told you… ok, let me just tell you.

Before taking shelter in the nearby bunker, you need to bring some sort of computer with you. Preferably, a laptop because desktops would require a whole desk setup to be usable.

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Not reading that shit




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bumping this gemmy thread


>openbsd is good because… MUH HECKIN NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE

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I created a bootable usb on linux mint to ghost spectre windows 10 but I'm having some trouble finding the rst (rapid storage technology) driver apparently I need it for the installation or something. I even bought another drive to connect to my laptop to dual boot from linux to win10 but this is annoying me the drivers are linked to a exe file on intels website I fucking hate intel just give me the driver file you stupid cia datamining niggers fuark


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8bitdo itself is IAS


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stop deadnaming xer. xer real name is Emily.



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Thoughts on extended kernels such as the VEK, VxKex, or Extended XP?
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in respect to random broken shit i would imagine ltsc has less of it than pro or home edition. maybe enterprise is even better than ltsc - i wouldn't know, because i don't use windows 10 or 11 outside of unlicensed server edition in a virtual machine


yeah you really dont know what youre talking about



windows 2000 has an extended kernel from BWC


windows 2000 does NOT have an extended kernel from big white cock. take your meds… NOW


'teens, should i replace my computer with a raspberry pi?




what do you do with your computer?


that would be the computer equivalent of replacing your diet with soylent


in the new world order everyone must use a raspberry pi

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