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File: 1711422580705c.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.9 MB, 326x498) ImgOps


Hello we at soy need your help please.to calculate the best method of expanding in territorial.io Here are some web sources https://territorial.io/tutorial
And of course you could play the game to have first hand experience
The second link has hyperlinks for more information itp,I'm retarded however and not sure how the entire interest math works nor how to calculate an optimal rate and strategy so if one of you could help us out we'd appreciate it we need you to win against Der CORD and be our Generals to victory
Bonus if you find a way to calculate the best spawn coordinates but that'd be pretty complex given the random variables of bots and people
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


sir this is the OS flamewar board, everyone here dropped out of high school


trvthnuke troonixers are worse than barny bait


If anyone on this site knows its probably someone here doe


Ok which OS can calculate the best strategy


Where do I go then

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Don't use Quad9 DNS. They're blackholing goyimtv.


File: janny.png πŸ“₯︎ (181.92 KB, 631x591) ImgOps

Do use OpenNIC (they aren't blackholing anything)


just use your isp's dns


my isp's dns blocks random websites, though


File: chud black sun.gif πŸ“₯︎ (2.23 MB, 1069x1069) ImgOps

>Don't use Quad9 DNS. They're blackholing goyimtv.


what's a good foss paint.net replacement? also notepad++ too
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


krita is for painting, not image editing, and notepad is proprietary whereas op asked for foss




gimp fucking sucks, it's actually dogshit


gimp fucking rocks, it's actually good shit


they're all TRASH

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>Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck.

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i have an idea of a desktop environment at the back of my head so i made this mock up. i dig macos' design so i put a local menu bar there, the bottom left tray is supposed to be like window's task bar where you pin programs and where open programs show up. i intend it to be compatible with the 640x480 16 color vga mode and have compability with linux, unix, bsd and dos
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


most sane genius dishonour


hotdog linux already exists


UI GOD in the making




Time for you to learn Xlib

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hello do you know how to install pyib( https://github.com/tslocum/PyIB ) on pythonanywhere.com ?

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>hands on keyboard!

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>From: Andy Smith <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: THAT obvious troll thread
>Slow clap for everyone who replied to THAT obvious troll thread and
>quoted it for the archives. Your first day on the Internet is it?
>I had already gone to the trouble of reporting it and Debian
>postmasters had kindly removed the objectionable post from the web
>archive, but now in your wisdom you've gone and added it back in by
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>From: Terence <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: debian-niggers and debian-lgbt projects.
>To: Zenaan Harkness <[email protected]>
>Cc: [email protected]
>No, starting any Debian linked group (i.e. using Debian any form) based on
>personal differentiation is totally unacceptable. To do so is to encourage
>division between a world wide, extremely diverse group of users of our
>computer operating system, for racial, ethnic, age, sexual, or or any other
>attribute. The internet is neutral, although it is used for all sorts of
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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good thing i use devuan

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>'inux is good guys even though Troons use it.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


File: Thomkson.png πŸ“₯︎ (67.65 KB, 1080x1080) ImgOps

Yeah no shit, I'm only trying to force this jak


what about troons per capita thoughever doebeit?


call it thinkson instead of thomkson. too hard to remember and doesn't flow off the tongue


File: Cobson Thumbsup.png πŸ“₯︎ (23.68 KB, 775x849) ImgOps

Thanks, thinkson's alter ego!


meds that wasn't me

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