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Hank Green:
>Claims he is an environmentalist
>Says nothing would change whatsoever if a species were eliminated

Remember, this is the same exact guy who in the gemmy science song claimed "There's nothing here to argue with. It's a process not an ideology".



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Xe's right doe, all species that are going extinct, are going extinct as a side effect of changes that already happened. For example pandas are completely irrelevant and absolutely nobody will miss them.


didnt he only say that about ticks though?


aryan supersoldier hank green wants to gas the ticks total tick death




this just proves that niggers cannot even figure out trivial stuff like that, I literally did it in my head before he finished writing words words words

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how can we sabotage this?
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idk maybe script kiddy teens can logwipe whatever database or something along those lines


simply go to places marked green and make troons seethe



>highlights users with different colors
are they just retarded or is there something I am not getting?


you arent plier ramen

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I want to learn about computer electronics and its workings, should I start with analog electronics first or go straight into the basics of digital electronics? Thankfully I've got enough time to waste reading courses over and over despite being quite retarded and ESL


reeks of jeet


Why dough? 'Jeet shitskins only know how to scam grandmas by screaming do not redeem


if you want to learn about electronics in general browse YouTube videos also look up a pdf of the book art of electronics great book.

You cant know digital or analog electronics without knowing electronic fundamentals first, analog is more specialized than digital.

Once you get a basic understanding of electronics learning how to use schematic/pcb design software is fun, KiCAD is the best place to start. A good project would be to try and copy something like a Arduino nano or pi pico in schematic and pcb.

Another project idea further down is to design a pcb that carries a pi pico and interfaces with a barometer and accelerometer and flash card on breakout boards to log data or print it out to serial monitor. This also gives you an opportunity to learn about control theory oriented stuff like representing orientation and Kaman filtering.

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how would a console-based operating system work on a mobile device? watches included
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how should i know?


with a keyboard?


no physical keyboards


You can install Termux on Android and find out.


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>building an onscreen keyboard into the terminal emulator
<treating the phone buttons as a baudot teleprinter

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>goto le bad because … it just is ok???


if you use goto it means you're a retarded cnile and your code is worthless


seethed at C again award


he's right, there is never a good reason to use a goto in any serious modern language

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What are the technological implications of gooning?
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More focus on tech that enhances faping and pr0n and less attention and focus on anything else


made me laugh award


it means releasing unfinished games for full price becomes normal and creativity becomes frowned upon


also forgot to mention that the concept of releasing a game then continually updating it is insane and always results in low quality slop. and all this stems from gooning and criminally autistic fags also i know games arent all of technology but theyre the most obvious example


this require waiting 5+ years minimum to find out if game is worth torrenting at all, because I don't pay for trash and my time isn't worthless


what effect does this have on the environment?
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india's west coast is less shitty


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Lol almost got it true

Still reality can't differ a lot.


its a tsunami of sewage, thats why that url is named that way




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>It's just a place where we adults can NERD OUT about our geek stuff…
>But get drunk and party too!!


was there even anything good this year


"once upon a time in a datacenter" (4K)
"naumachia insianis" (64K)
were pretty cool


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and also "the spirit" 256 byte dos demo, kinda fuckey to run in dosbox because the config that came with it wanted to force a really large fullscreen


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also, how the FUCK do i get an amiga emulator working on windows? is the community just this gatekept or what???

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Rust won

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