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>be me,whitegoy
>the chinese communist pedo woman and brown russian troon are spreading the communism again
>put on my cage
>call my bull
>bull says i have a hallucination again
>forced me to donate 20 dollars to israel

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>Political regimes:

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What did stonetoss mean by this?

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Its funny that after Massa the faggot cancelled z*llig forever, all those z*lligtroon post in this board decreased drastically


He canceled it permanently? When was that? I haven’t been on for a week.


You're going to have your skull caved in you pedophile nigger.


More like a month to me. He cancelled 'Zellig last month. I hope we get to make our own 'zellig.


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is this a falseflag from zelligtrannies who avatarfag?


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bro, you look like that?

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which creamy chocolate soytan card looks better?


right because xhe isn’t as much of a nigger

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(i don't plan to do it anytime soon, don't even know how)
I feel like the obvious answer should be yes, but I can't think of any reason why this is bad
btw I don't mean just spike the girls drink, i'm talking full surgical anesthesia. The kind that eliminates all pain and feeling and freezes memory

Other than "muh virginity" or "grr rape is bad", is there any reason why this would be bad? The usual argument against rape is bodily harm and psychological trauma, but with proper safety precautions and anesthesia that blocks all memory, zero minimal bodily harm and zero mental harm is done to the victim.


Bro the yapper 💀


how about giving someone retarded mutt rape babies after you insert your tiny brown cock into them

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your chair is: damn chair

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Soytans thread


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Bro stuck in 2021


Bro will troon out 5 years from now 💀💀💀

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Soytans thread
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Bro really posted twice


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Built for rape, torture, murder and dismemberment, in any order


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Oh my God they are so attractive


TLD (Total Lunarian Death)

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imagine believing this shit


Imagine not


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>Scientists say

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