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I will add any image that you comment on to this picture, unless it is too large.
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kys cord troon who edits characters onto furbrim


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It's the same iPhone nigger that spams half the dogfucker troonraisin on this website and larps as a fog sometimes just ignore it


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 â„–383537[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

I got tricked into wasting 20 dollars today, AMA
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is that an ip grabber




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>[x] is so cool i wish [y] were real!!!


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 â„–477696[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

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Okay do you want to come onto the island so you can be used as target practice for our first public execution


We should all have our own shared set of books on self-sufficiency.


Whiteman Isles


Add a section for self sufficiency, add another for tech, some for iron extraction and blacksmithing, some for architecture, etc


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Our homeland requires a name, preferably something we can be proud of.


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(for thos ewho don't know, hispachan is the latinx version of 4cuck, it was shutdown years ago but it's back, let's give raisinoko a new, shall we)
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Us spics are not white lol


United states?


Is zeta still the owner? Raid if so because he's a lazy little nigger who needs to be taught a lesson.


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NIGGA, SHHHHHHHH, is a hecking secret haxxor operation o algo


nope, new owner.
but it would be funny if we raid on first day lol


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Demoman heard you calling other blacks, niggers

How do you respond?
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>demoman uses explosives a lot
>is scottish, who are traditionally white
>has causasian facial features
Demoman is actually WHITE, xe just has had so much exposure to soot and debris from explosions that xe looks brown or something


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I turn to him and say It shouldn't target you because you are not a nigger Demo you are my friend



One eyed Scottish nigger demolition man sounds like a gemmy slopjak


It's okay he's too drunk to remember anyways


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did pxcoffee ack himself?
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I have 2 of his videos somewhere but idk where


this schizo 'teen who complained about his life on youtube


re-upload them please


Ill try to find xhem


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thank you


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No more gems 'teens… the description changed.


Should be "Coals"




There are no more fucking gems its so over


i kinda like this new sub title, not like /soy/ these days has many gems anyway




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Nu Ash Faurna just dropped… Issa gem, as always.


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i only namefag on /qa/ though??


But you're more annoying than schizos, obsessed too o algo.


Turn rhubarb into a pie


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(You) can make any country, anywhere in Evropa.
You cannot take over the entire Europe as soon as the game starts. If it's too big then I won't count it, you need to have less than the size of the country you want or the exact size of it. You can't occupy more than 2 countries nevertheless
>What ideologies can I have?
Any. Socialist, feudalist, conservatist, authoritarianist, communist, whatever you like.
>How many people do I get?
I will decide how many people everyone gets. But I will make it fair, maybe at the start everyone has an equal population of 2 people is fine.
>Can I have a flag?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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have sex chuddy


I will once I've find a nice german baddy.


very, very SISA
oh wow


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Name: Greater Moravia
Languages: Czech, German
Religion: Catholic
Government: One party dictatorship
Economic system: Capitalist


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Why hasn't this been jakked yet? I'm actually disappointed
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>This two aryan warriors are the only one who can save the west from the Jews


why do you hate old people doe


Real aryans support Israel, retard. They're geniuses for giving them their own ethnostate out of sight out of mind.


>has an ethnostate
>still subverts the west
just gas the kikes


>the holocaust didn't happen, if it did then they deserved it or something
>support muh israel or however the zogchow cheeseburger is fried to go with my ARYAN CHARIOT (los mobility scooter)
pick one, goy o algo


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welding board


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It is 2035.
All of your fans march to your podium to see you speak in your microphone at the national Soy Socialist Republic National Annual BLACKED.com speech.
What do (You) say?
There will be a series of endings for each reply


"my fellow nu-males, i heil hitler nigga."


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itt: we discuss rape, post raperalds, and how to become a pro rapist
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thread go up


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>spooky a24 soundbite Aryan bone chilling masterpiece




anybody try to use roofies?


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Israel needs (You) now more than ever.
Consider joining the IDF to help Isreal build a better world.


Israel is aryan
The only Jews who controlling this world are Israeli-Americunts


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