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take my reddit gold sir, you've earned it.


Reddit gold to you sir


i tried to watch 2 minutes of this "animation" before i left because it's made for people who are on the coalburner. T50 burning brimstone basically made for 'p watchers and failed actors. no it's not Aryan. it's for retards in sped class to watch.


The show is cute and gemmy plus the cat and the rat are cute i'm going to drawn 'p of them later so i can goon to them :3


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Can't wait to hear mumkey jones' judgement of this movie.


>mumkey jones
is this nigga still alive?
wasn't he arrested for beating his bitch of a girlfriend?

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Through the fire and the flames is aryan i don't care if it's meme metal

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Should i listen to every Eminem album and then post a thread giving each of them a score


you're going to get bored by the time you reach encore

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so much this


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is madness combat troonslop or aryan?
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Kill yourself NAS forcing faggot


Troonslop the creator is a furfag


TTD will happen in madcom community when maniac 3 release…


I think is aryan o algo


>>55972 sounds like your run of the mill groomer

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The Raped sounds like a binding of isaac boss

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hey /mtv/, a friend of mine just gifted me this game, is this worth playing? gameplay looked very gemmy to me.
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Gnaw on some redditors wall of text steam review or something.

>The Project Aces development team's motto shown in Ace Combat 5: "Nothing Else Comes Close."

>For decades this rung true: no other arcade flight sim I tried to play was as fun, or as special to me, as the Ace Combat series. Now something has finally "come close." As a 22 year old who has been playing Ace Combat since I was 5 or 6, Project Wingman met, and far surpassed, my naturally high expectations for a spiritual successor. I am blown away at how much this feels like just another high-quality addition to the series; using my Dualshock 3 controller made me feel like I'd been transported back to childhood, sitting in front of my TV playing one of the classic games on my Playstation 2. If this wasn't set in another universe, I might have easily tricked myself into believing this was Ace Combat 8 miraculously delivered to me by a small indie dev team years before I'd expect another entry.

>I don't want this review to just be another Ace Combat fan foaming at the mouth with excitement, so I'll try to give this some more substance. If you're among what will surely be a tiny minority skimming these reviews having never played an Ace Combat title before, you're in for a treat at an absolute steal. Turned off by the high price of Ace Combat 7 nearly 2 years after its release? Not able to get a PS2 and used copies of the classic games? This is an equal, if not slightly better, title than 7, for a fraction of the price, on Steam, making it an accessible introduction into an "Ace Combat style" game.

>Gameplay has clearly been prioritized a little more than what's seen in many Ace Combat titles, and long waiting periods dedicated to exposition are mostly kept on the backburner. When they did happen I felt they were necessary story advancement, and they were also typically after the mission had been completed anyways. Particularly, the guns are ridiculously fun to use, a mechanic that can be hit or miss in Ace Combat and in 7 in particular felt rather frustrating. I would compare it to a somewhat toned down version of how machine guns worked in Ace Combat 6, with generous hitboxes and large, accurate target guides, with the only real difference being that the damage output isn't as ridiculous as it was in 6.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


holy fuck words words words, just gimme the summary for once


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yes, it's a very gemmy gaming experience, it has the typical pitfalls of le epic reddit revengeance "THIS HAD NO BUSINESS GOING THIS HARD", but the game itself is fun for atleast a single playthrough


bump arcade flight game


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It's a very gemmy game. mission 14 is the best one, you'll see what I mean.

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black sabbath mogs all niggerish nu-metal bands


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>black sabbath mogs all niggerish nu-metal bands


Ok boomer


all of that music sounds like condom factories on mondays


Megadeth beats it because it's not nu metal. But Black Sabbath is number 2.


Moved to >>>/mtv/56034.

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Does he actually make good music or is it a virtue signal for white zoomers to like him?


When it's actual rap it's good (if you like niggerbabble like me) but some of his raisin is just troonslop. (Mr Nigger and the throath-ACKers is his worst album by far).


he used to



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