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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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File: schizo (2).gif πŸ“₯︎ (6.11 MB, 255x255) ImgOps


Imagine that this forum is screaming into the void. We see each other posts but we do not see our responses. Everyone of us gets their own bots who answer or federal agents who we chat with.

I will not see your response bro. It's a ghost forum.


β €


i will continue posting, even if my words are only met by bots. echo chamber of mine.


my bots are retarded Π’Π’Π‘ niggers and neutralpiler baiters

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Hello all. We are a small group of biology enthusiasts seeking to recruit more people for our cause.

Do you love biology and are interested in living creatures?

Do you believe in higher evolution for every species?

Do you know anything about CRISPR engineering? Would you like to?

Do you want to join a community of researchers where you become a man of science?

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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>Do you love biology and are interested in living creatures?
>Do you believe in higher evolution for every species?
>Do you know anything about CRISPR engineering? Would you like to?
No, and don't care
>Do you want to join a community of researchers where you become a man of science?


'listed to the US military. Thank you for your service


Everyone does this


So by biology you mean manipulating human DNA with treatments you patented(edited DNA is now patented) and a gold plated silicone triple helix FNA strand? Fuck you and your quantam dot micro needle arrays with your bad batches. 95% of people get the good batch while targeted individuals and zip codes get the heart attack or cancer batch


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>man of soyence


Vril is real.
It is the innate spiritual power that resides in human beings as divine creations, that grants up the ability to do the extraordinary, the impossible, the sheer will to continue on in the face of utter despair.
The Satanic Cabal manipulate this power for unnatural purposes, witchcraft and such.
We are spiritually in a league of our own.
We are not animals.
We are not Angels nor Demons.
We are humans.
We are the only created in God's image, the only beings capable of true repentance.
We have favor from God, and Satan despises us for it.
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Nice Jewish sorcerer trying to get chuds to worship yeshu the sorcerer and give yahwey our life force. Sloppy job mossad, Odin has you all.


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I'm an Odinist and Vril is the energy of Odin imparted into his Chosen Aryan Warriors


we have no need to mix in pagan spirituality with our perfect Christ.

our vril is the Holy Spirit. period




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Secret polish elites are running the world from the shadows.
You know how they make you think it's the jews?
I believe that's a coverup.
In reality, there's a huge chierarchy, and the jews are controlled by the Ancient Secret Polish Elites.
That's why we need to nuke Poland.
Every single problem in the world is caused by Poland.
They WANT you to believe they're just some stupid white niggers so that you don't suspect a thing.
Nuke poland.


Kys Red chud, you're a nigger.

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came back here after a long break only to witness /x/ getting deleted
stay in this shitty normified swamp trapped with 80 iq nigger cattle admins for however long you like it chuds


obsessed with shitty boring board that isnt even deleted award
even 4cuck x is more fun to read than sharty x


80 iq niggercattle is who posts on /x/ thoughie
saged for forced nas coal

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yhey are spying on us look

\\r\\n \\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n\"},{\"Name\":\"supportFlash\",\"Value\":\"false\"},{\"Name\":\"autoSound\",\"Value\":\"0\"},{\"Name\":\"autoPlay\",\"Value\":\"0\"},{\"Name\":\"isAutoExpand\",\"Value\":\"0\"},{\"Name\":\"triggerEvent\",\"Value\":\"click\"},{\"Name\":\"sizeExtCode\",\"Value\":\"0\"},{\"Name\":\"inView\",\"Value\":\"0\"},{\"Name\":\"OnlyUserInitiatedChangeAttrs\",\"Value\":\"0\"}],\"IsVideo\":false,\"IsAudio\":false,\"itemPath\":null,\"ContentType\":null}],\"itemsWeight\":null,\"EntityType\":26,\"IsUploadedByBulk\":false}","Html":"Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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We are living in the end times. Ww2 was the last christian rebellion. It is hopeless for this world but that does not mean it has to be hopeless for you. This world will be destroyed soon along with is infidels and sinners, but that does not mean that you have to be one of them. Give God a reason to spare you, a reason to welcome you into his kingdom. Repent, pray, establish connection with Christ, abstain from sin, do not be like the others of the final cursed generations.


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I will stop jerking off to weird porn and be a nice person

File: SCP-173.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.49 MB, 1200x981) ImgOps


Item#: SCP-173
Special Containment Procedures: Item SPC-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must be looking at SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.
Description: Moved to Site19 1993, little is known about item number SCM-173's origins. It is constructed from concrete and rebar and was once painted with Crylon brand spraypaint.
SCP-173 is animate and malevolent, if given the chance it will kill anyone within it's line of site. It's weakness however is that it does not move while being watched. Despite this paralysis it is still highly dangerous; able to cover at least 2 meters in the literal blink of an eye. It typicaly kills by either snapping the victim's neck from behind, or grabbing the victim's throat and strangling him. Whatever animates SCP-173 does not give it much force with which to break things, as seen above a large room with unbarred windows is fully capable of containing it. It's grip however is unbreakable, as when it is not moving the statue is as hard and strong as concrete.
While left alone in it's room, one can hear a stone-on-stone scraping from within that is believed to be the sound of the SCP-173 moving about.
The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. We don't know (nor wish to find out) where it comes from or how it arrives but SCP-173's container will slowly fill with these substances. In order to ensure that bacterial growth within does not begin to damage the building it is contained in, and to maintain some level of sanitation, the enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
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File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (84.16 KB, 1081x618) ImgOps

Womp womp


>Having green eyes LE BAD


everyone who has green eyes is an orc


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (5.24 MB, 2200x1333) ImgOps

they have red eyes which is above a10 eyes therefore they're more aryan than blue eyes


Moved to >>>/x/5314.

File: SCP-173.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.49 MB, 1200x981) ImgOps


Item#: SCP-173
Special Containment Procedures: Item SPC-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must be looking at SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.
Description: Moved to Site19 1993, little is known about item number SCM-173's origins. It is constructed from concrete and rebar and was once painted with Crylon brand spraypaint.
SCP-173 is animate and malevolent, if given the chance it will kill anyone within it's line of site. It's weakness however is that it does not move while being watched. Despite this paralysis it is still highly dangerous; able to cover at least 2 meters in the literal blink of an eye. It typicaly kills by either snapping the victim's neck from behind, or grabbing the victim's throat and strangling him. Whatever animates SCP-173 does not give it much force with which to break things, as seen above a large room with unbarred windows is fully capable of containing it. It's grip however is unbreakable, as when it is not moving the statue is as hard and strong as concrete.
While left alone in it's room, one can hear a stone-on-stone scraping from within that is believed to be the sound of the SCP-173 moving about.
The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. We don't know (nor wish to find out) where it comes from or how it arrives but SCP-173's container will slowly fill with these substances. In order to ensure that bacterial growth within does not begin to damage the building it is contained in, and to maintain some level of sanitation, the enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
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File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (84.16 KB, 1081x618) ImgOps

Womp womp


>Having green eyes LE BAD


everyone who has green eyes is an orc


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (5.24 MB, 2200x1333) ImgOps

they have red eyes which is above a10 eyes therefore they're more aryan than blue eyes


Hello /soy/, Shall i go hiking on a mountain?


Scp-096 is not real


File: IMG_4972.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.19 MB, 1024x1024) ImgOps

> walk to the top of a mountain just to walk back down again
You should go hiking again

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