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There's no robot.
There's no porn.
There's no faggot garbage.
There's no tranny garbage.


Okay, maybe there's a robot. And there might be some faggot garbage. But I think there's no tranny garbage? Fine, at least there's no porn!

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finally, the most comfy board of the site is back.
so, how have your lives been going, 'teens?


deadest board ever award
also it's not that bad


im extremelly stressed about college, always feeling like im one mistake away from fucking everything up (which would mean that i have to stay 6 months longer).


it's precisely that mindset that will cause you to fuck up nothing and not having to stay longer doebeit

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Shut up cracker


nigga lame mindset


Kys Anthony pooner pedo


raisin changes
social media is designed to waste your time
porn is easier to access and there's a lot more of it
there are now other fun things to do besides just playing sports and reading books

also people have been putting effort into improving their lives since basically forever self improvement is just a new word for it
dieting, working overtime, exercising people have been doing this for ages now nofap has also been added to this list
>you just exist, you go with the societal flow
it always took hard work to get a nice job, house etc you can ask anyone about this and today if you just go with the flow and take the path of least resistance you'll just end up in porn addicted niggerhell

TLDR this is bullraisin

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How the fuck do you talk to girls???????
17 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Literally just drag one out of a wheelchair and rape her right there in front of everyone to make her yours I got FIVE already overnight raisins too easy man


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marge what does urban moving systems have to do with this thread


how do u talk to teenage white boys at my school tf


have you tried opening your mouth?


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I don't, they're too annoying.

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ITT: We post our darkest fantasies.
32 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.








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>ITT: We post our darkest fantasies.

>Unoriginal content! You have been muted for 2 seconds.


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i dont think im ever gonna give up internet trolling and baiting, too much fun.

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Move this post to the best board


Moved to >>/goon/69420

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I wanna have sex with the jannies.


Sex is a temporary pleasure that is useless to your very being


But if we don't fuck then everybody will go extinct.

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janny move this thread if you're a pedophile that watches loli futa porn 24/7



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By raisin nobody cares about.

I was about to sleep o algo, then my throat 'relaxes', right? WRONG, BECAUSE THE MOTHERFUCKER WANTS ME TO BE GEORGE FLOYD! BUT IM NOT A NIGGER!! SO SOMEHOW I MANAGE TO FINALLY GET A BREATH! and i cry, cuz i almost died due to ALMOST no air o algo.

Now, everytime i went to bed, i can feel my throat 'relaxing' and i feel like it will happen again, making me cry even more due to despair o algo asi, my hands and feet become stiff and tingle while so o como sea.
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


LOL same thing happened to me 4 years ago


Shame you lived, the world would be better with one less soytranny


Same thing happened to me except some stupid ghost tried to choke me, lately a ghost tried to rape me i think


Sounds like sleep apnea


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>>18661 that, yeah, but i cant sleep now without feeling like it will happen again o algo…

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Who up 'jakking at work?


i lost my job


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im jakking at college

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