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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Welcome to New /qa/. Or, old /qa/...depending on your age.

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer.

This is a board for the discussion of meta topics and … other things.
Outside of meta, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.


This board is SFW only. Thank you.

On the 'Ongezellig': spam will be punished. Massive necrobump will be punished.

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You know what I want? A big beef hotdog with grill marks and lots of pickles loaded on it
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yes you do FREAK


Proof it tubbykins


you just did weirdo



The fat is going to your brain

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 â„–357070[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

i am making this thread for a reminder of a certain someone who plans to buy me some steam games tomorrow. you know who you are
193 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is Angry Birds back right now?



Please tell me you didn’t buy the paid classes.


nah i'm playing a unoffical pc port and it gives you unlimited coins and stuff


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Quick guide on how to make and do cocaine!!
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%%Detroit bros, if you want some rocks n shi call +1 (248) 434-5508, ask for "pebbles" or they're not going to help you. No text though, voice only. I'd recommend calling from a burner or payphone, and do *67 before 1 (if LD) and area code.

In Philadelphia, go to my website https://z6a.info/flashplayer-exploit+aHa9lkp!cockdock.m1v~clickme.run and request more info via email.%%


epic fail glowtext award


Shut up bitch nigga


mane you don't wan't rocks n shiet mufugga makes you tripp hella good


is this actually marioman bro

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Jeffrey Epstein was little to nothing in comparison to Jimmy Savile, he was accused years before it was released and he freely went into schools and disabled hospitals and no one cared.


Jeffrey is a raisinty meme but this guy is really fucking twisted which shows how spineless faggots are when it comes to raisinty engagement leeching on xitter


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kek lookalikes

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 â„–356868[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

new thread 4 mi
107 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ur not gonna thank the award kid for drawing you? How inconsiderate. Go make its drawing your shlog pfp.



That is quite inconsiderate of me, my apologies.
Thank you.
>Go make its drawing your shlog pfp.
I don't feel like it



may b, she seems drawable

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Ask me anything
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what did you eat today


I didnt eaten anything today, i was busy thinking about my crush
But i had toast in the morning o algo


what was the last game you played


What do you think about Lithuania?


bring back czechoslovakia o algo

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You will never, ever be a true fat chad like me.
You will never jiggle when you walk, you will never use your stomach as a drum and you will never ever be part of the fat man's club.
You will forever be a skinny faggot distracted by jewish lies such as diet and exercise into a crude, disgusting perversion of what mother nature wanted from you.
You will not have the mighty status of being a true fat king, give up.
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Nopony gives a raisin, fatso.
Go eat another tub of lard while your at it!


/r/LoveForLandChads tier gem


Friendly fire


OP is miko btw


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>Snap skinny twigs in half

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even doe im not a furry
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>le bebese fox
>nigger cp link


rent free


she is black only, chud


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>rent free


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>she is black only, chud

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kys namekikes

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>walkable sharty

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That would be snooping down to his level tho, only niggers kill innocent cats and dogs…
It's happened before. I said "IM BACK MOTHERFUCKERS" on iFunny when i was like 9.


Post face.


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>holding nigger cat hostage


Your cat is adorable. I have three kibbies that are obsessed with me.



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if you goon to this then your based
snoot game
murder drones
if you goon to this then your probably a pedophile tranny
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/nate/ is down the hall and to the left(ypol)


I goon to roblox games


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> if you goon to this then your based
>snoot game
>murder drones
> if you goon to this then your probably a pedophile tranny
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>gooning to troonslop media instead of getting a real woman


any character that isnt miss circle then your based

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time for your meds and johnson, /qa/!

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BLACKEDbosissies are jealous of their naQ masters.


This slut looks like she takes BÐ’C cum in her cunt daily.


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mr pickles won
naq lost


how did you say that without it being filtered


No jak edits award

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