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The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining
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Welcome to /q/, The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining.
Posts here are read by the staff and may receive responses if necessary.

In addition to this board, staff can also be contacted through #meta on irc.soyak.party and through this contact form: https://soyjak.party/survey/?r=survey/index&sid=526468&lang=en


I need a spanking
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When an image is getting approved, make it so jannies will have to mark it as NSFW or SFW. then replace this retarded nsfw filter with an option if you dont want to see porn or not.


File: 1724361640169j.png πŸ“₯︎ (10.94 KB, 432x150) ImgOps

>then replace this retarded nsfw filter with an option if you dont want to see porn or not.

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c0e7 is a kike
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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c0e7 ywnbaw

File: Daniel Larson Grace Meltdo….mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (28.91 MB, 720x1280) ImgOps


Add a link to the captcha in the top bar with all the boards so users won't be delayed when they want to make a post

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i jaked c0e7


mod ## c0e7

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jannies how does media approval work? do you see a list of unapproved images and tick a box? do you have to see the reply? because that would explain why replies will be an hour old on page 5 and have an unapproved image. because sometimes you approve them in 15 seconds on slow boards and sometimes it takes you 5 minutes on /soy/. whats up


We have a menu which lists unapproved images and whenever a janny is on they can review and accept/deny.


Usually images go unapproved for a long time because they're long videos or it's just straight up porn

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THE JARTY! I should’ve known who was behind this!
77 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Child porn was always banned on sharty even during Soot, retard. BMT was still not criminalised in 2021.


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Nusharty troonmods, what the fuck is this raisin? The post violated no rules nor said anything illegal.
Also it's not ban evasion because I got the screenshot picture over discord, using discord is not a crime nor violation of any rules.
True should edit it just to be safe.


This was the gemmiest, comfiest thread on sharty for awhile and some troon just ruined all the fun because of some anons mentioning of dnb made his johnson leak. SAD! Many such cases.


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>Nuadmin removing half of the posts making the thread incoherent


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The ads are extremely invasive when phoneposting, they are inbetween every reply and it lags my phone
Remove ads for goypasscacas


Ads more like Aids


install firefox and ublock. or better yet learn to use the internet to search for answers to your problems retard


On PC now, firefox and ublock don't work on IOS (together)
You can't install extensions on IOS retard

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Froot if you do nothing about this youre a pedo


How is that pedophilic?



Its (((EPI)))

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