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A banner for soyjak.party

/ptb/ - Public Testing Board

The Admin is not responsible for the quality, content, or moderation of this board.


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File: GOO9QwxbAAAOqyE.jpeg 📥︎ (106.19 KB, 810x1080) ImgOps


This board has to be one of the worst boards to date, What the fuck were y'all actually thinking. you apricot size brain monkeys


File: 1703299215449.gif 📥︎ (1.72 MB, 275x275) ImgOps

Testing board le good doe


File: soy hotel rage.gif 📥︎ (802.33 KB, 150x200) ImgOps

kvzpedos when we have a funny board for once


kuuzist cIitty leak award


File: impish-kuz.png 📥︎ (61.79 KB, 810x1080) ImgOps

Gotta make the most of it


File: 1649128306856.jpg 📥︎ (88.63 KB, 720x900) ImgOps

I like /ptb/ doe and the filters aren't here kuz kolyma bwc




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