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 β„–2822Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

ITT we post beautiful valid black xueens in their natural habitat


Built for


Didnt knew sheboons are this fucking strong.
Why are they more masculine than nigger males


thats a man


thats literally a bear


'fe kween flaunting xer superior strength towards dirty chudcels


Niggers are ugly apes. Be it male or female.
Kill yourself mentally ill troon


You can never tell with niggers



>the johnson bull in question


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the fuck how is his voice so feminine (the guy doing the fucking)


This gives me intense secondhand embarrassment


because it's two troons fucking
that's just how niggers are too


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>File Deleted


Am I a moralfags for feeling bad for that dog?




File: niggerrapesnigger.webm πŸ“₯︎ (Spoiler Image, 3.89 MB, 720x1280) ImgOps

janny leaked


No you're normal



File: niggababby.png πŸ“₯︎ (23.75 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

/caca/ won


no, moralfags are people that only pretend to give a shit for clout to try and ascend the hierarchical structure of society but deep down dont actually fucking care


i sound like a moralfag wow


nah i feel bad for the dog as well seen this video before and other folks also felt bad for the dog


Caca is locked doe


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You’re not, that was just abuse. Thankfully that was just a bludgeon attack. For some weird reason, the people in the Caribbean have fun using machetes as a bludgeon, and will usually use it to club the shit out of people they don’t like. The ones they want dead, well they just get sliced. That thin woman was on that fat ogre’s bad side, so she got clubbed by that machete


>the people in the Caribbean have fun using machetes as a bludgeon


no, imagine living in that shithole
everyone feels bad for the dog


niggers love using machetes for some reason


they cant afford whetstones


What the hickory dickory fuck


Holy crap how can anybody be this stupid


okay so are you posting more or not


Niggers don’t deserve pets.. they are the pets

sheboon just hurt a dog for no reason




not at all


kek people feel worse for the dog than the nog getting beaten


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>kek people feel worse for the dog than the nog getting beaten


And why shouldnt we?
The dog is completely unable to do anything of malice


she is so attractive


im saying its funny


holy shit what is that monstrosity


for all we know that woman is probably getting beaten because she’s a drug runner, you really just can’t know with the third world



australian abboriginals, basically double niggers


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That’s CGI, no human beings look like that


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docile cop
should have pulled her by the hair and given her the knee


tricky question, niggers aren't human


probably didn't want another george floyd situation


yeah i posted it there


would that shit happen in a red state though?


then again this is probably some blue state


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probably, am known by many aliases there


File: zesty nigga.webm πŸ“₯︎ (3.98 MB, 720x1280) ImgOps


File: WALMART IS RACIST.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (6.78 MB, 480x854) ImgOps


it says chicago on the cop car


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America is a simulation


I feel bad for the baby


File: kweens.webm πŸ“₯︎ (3.2 MB, 406x720) ImgOps


>t. december 2023 oldfriend


they fuck anything that walks and has a hole


I am not a biologist but that amount of fat seems unnatural to me


kai cenat'e


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It feel like that's in South Africa


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imagine using them as cannonballs




Derrick beffour added you as their friend


They would destroy everything in their path


Whose casket is that. Why are they doing this?


i think am out of videos


I haven't watched the video yet and I already know I have to mentally prepare myself for the onslaught of nigga shit


one race the human race


Can confirm I just did


why is there text on the toilet
why is there a bed pan literally next to the toilet
whats venom doing
how does this nigra bitch even wipe her ass


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File: ytboyrizz.webm πŸ“₯︎ (3.9 MB, 640x800) ImgOps

sorry tyrone but this is the real world, timmy gets sheniqua


Why do they all punch like that?


Timmy fucking won


We must cage all johnsons to make them LBCs


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throw niggers off buildings


Did she survive?



Why did she even put herself in that situation? I doubt someone somehow forced her to hang from the window like that. And what were they saying?


the one that fell? i think so


that thud geg


>>>7274173 (You)
>nobody does that on purpose retard
You underestimate how retarded nogs are retard. I guess you are one


>>>7274185 (You)
>In what situation would anyone hang from the side of a building like that gripping on for dear life forty feet above the ground. Faggot.
Nog who thought it would be funny


She is saying in tanzeguabian I was a missionary there so know some basic vocab here's my translation:
<What are you doing, you're not a kite.
>I'm a filthy nigger! I need to Dieee ACK!



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This is a video of a United Arab Emirates woman abusing her Ethiopian servant. She was arrested and the Ethiopian lady lived.


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Aryan skibi toilet teen is unfazed by BBB


File: timmy vs sheniqua.webm πŸ“₯︎ (2.11 MB, 318x470) ImgOps

black kween BTFOing a racist whyteboy


shes from kuwait not uae albeit


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I guess she regretted it and that's why she started screaming for help. Apparently it's a common thing that people instantly regret their suicide attempt in the middle of it as many suicide survivors say that.


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>>>7274228 (You)
>>yeah bro, she totally didn't die when she fell seven floors and thudded against a fat tin roof! i know we watched it and anyone would die from it but, SHE DIDNT FUCKIN DIE! the media said it and they NEVER lie to us, right?


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Transracial black lady


>>>>7274228 (You)
>>>Words words words everything is le heckin conspiracy the media LIED about her surviving cuz uhh reasons and stuff


middle eastern countries have an abysmal track record with migrant workers and treat them with slave-like conditions, even depriving the migrant of their passport to go home. they’re stuck and are essentially indentured servants.


shiiiieeeeeeeet we wuz aryanz n shiiieeeeeet


File: h4mutagy.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (10.88 MB, 408x720) ImgOps


White baby factory


>Sky is blue


yeah punches don't really matter unless you are hitting critical spots


>muzzies making chud's wet dream a reality


>black kween BTFOing a racist whyteboy
Proof that black people are superior to aryans


dude remember that fucking World Cup of Qatar? Fucking construction had multiple construction casualties because they forced unskilled south Asians and East Africans to work on it. many have died from building the stadium


It's very sad


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slopjak deluxe


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middle east countries love doing that, the king of saudi araia literally said that pakis are their slaves but niggers from 3rd world shitholes still go there because they get paid way more than they do in their homelands


>>2897 i live close to where this video was recorded


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it is south africa


what place is that i can't even tell the continent


Be glad you’re born in a safer country, they might be poor niggers or jeets but the slavery there I just can’t make a joke out of.


>what place is that i can't even tell the continent


its south africa/cape town judging by the license plates


Did you get some action and got some dark chocolate


cape town south africa i live about and hour away from the exact place that video was recorded. i have literally been to that beach before


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yeah i know, some of my family members almost got kidnapped there in the uae even though they were just tourists


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ooo, does it have that many niggers and do they all look like that


>cape town
>does it have that many niggers



im white so its not really that bad but im mainly staying in south africa due to family


i dunno much about south africa except for like coco and a guy i knew from there who punched his balls


most black women are that fat, in nigger culture being that fat is considered beautiful but the residents of that area are mainly white since its one of the most expensive areas to live in south africa. niggers go there because they think their slick not because they can afford it


really wonder how they can consider being that fat beautiful


you don't see videos like that with white people or however the truth is nuked


File: black_culture.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (15.36 MB, 1042x720) ImgOps

all rise to the national anthem of burger land


probably bcs their "culture" worships money and in the jungle being fat is a sign of wealth


File: women fighting.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (78.32 MB, 404x720) ImgOps

fellow black negroid not doing anything as to not get shot by the police.
smart niggers ngl




reminds me of how having yellow teeth was seen as being filthy rich in the medeival era, but thats probably too advanced for niggers


its simple
fat = has access to more food


yeah but having a lot of food isn't really a flex today


Their pea sized brains can't comprehend that


negro insipiens think differently


it was mostly because of sugar
the middle east has some of the highest obesity rates in the world and some of them are even fatter than the us


obsessed brimstone


yeah its mostly oil filled gulf countries like kuwait, uae and saudi arabia while the war torn countries like somalia and yemen don't really have anything to eat


obsessed shitalian brimstone




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>obsessed shitalian brimstone


/cado/'s secret girlfriend


Hey its me RATIO


Jarty winned


you WILL post more niggeralds for my entertainment slf


am out of kweens but i might have more male niggeralds though


timmy should go to the gym and lift heavy things


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doesnt matter, POST NOOOOOW selfish


he should be doing roids like 'rone


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>nigra too stupid to not steal while being recorded


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>niggers too dumb to not shoot each other




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posting police activity footage is cheating + they don't post any good stuff anywayever


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Looney Toons logic didn't work


File: niggergem.webm πŸ“₯︎ (537.87 KB, 480x820) ImgOps


literal 'coon lmao


dumbest niggers on planet earth


this one's a gem though


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das rite crackas, keep licken dis boots


no clue


with niggers who can tell the difference


people studying them probably


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/floyd/ general on the 'log


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>that one with the skull mask
is this hyperborea?


altruistic blxck fxlk donating to this run down shop


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thread theme:


oh, that's blatant racism on a soyjak website


baited everyone award


>oh, that's blatant racism on a soyjak website


baited me award


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let's hear from the soyjak ximself:


broken buck


soyak after 'rone accidentally shoots his cum on soyaks switch after fucking his wife


File: niggerdad.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (14.28 MB, 640x360) ImgOps


they really say this


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.64 MB, 1111x811) ImgOps

>oh, that's blatant racism on a soyjak website





thats me choosing which nigger video i should choose to post btw


timmy won chuddy


petrified niggers, soon to become literal niggeralds


keep dilating tyrone, timmy won




dead nigger storage gets posted on /pol/ every day


File: niggertorture.webm πŸ“₯︎ (3.83 MB, 264x480) ImgOps





its a video of a nigger picking up petrified nigger corpses and throwing them around, also why are you opening the site in public


yes its just some guy throwing mummified niggers in his DNS (dead nigger storage)


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im white you kike


a video of a young sheboon accidentally shooting her cousin and then herself (should i post it and probably get banned)
o, good luck to you



he mimics the sound of his apex predator


retarded female nigger accidentally kills cousin by headshot and then panics and kills herself during live, following by the entire zoo panicking and all the chimps screaming


>le reddit ev&oe cord text caption


I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer Reddit Moderator. I do not have mod powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post history, but 1 is the most important rule of all

β€’ ⁠I am an officer in training, and I expect to be treated the same way I would be with my uniform and badge.

Watch your back and get used to this face kiddo, you'll be seeing a lot of it.


A young black female 'teen killed her brother by accident when holding a gun up to xis head while flexing on 'gram or something and killed xerself afterwards because why not, the family chimped out after the older brother checked in the room where xhey were located after the shots was fired


yeah but this can be argued to be dnb which can get you permabanned


where xhey vaxxed?


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Whats the difference between a black person and a nigger?


File: friednigger.webm πŸ“₯︎ (1.67 MB, 264x480) ImgOps


booster shots even


they only took 7 booster shoots instead of the usual 40




every nigger is a black person but not every black oerson is a nigger


wtf is some niggger in his undies doing fucking with electrical shit


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For me, a nigger represents a black person giving into their stereotypes, whereas a black person is well, a person who's black.


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false nuke


File: monkey gun.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.45 MB, 220x126) ImgOps


We got niggers performing TND on eachother before gta 6


it's unfortunate that their meaningless lives get cut short due to their own dopamigenic hedonism and dimwitted and aggressive demeanors, but alas, trying to civilize a nigger is like trying to remove the porn addiction from a coomer. i would like to say that this is an environmental factor, not something innate, but there really is just a lack of exposure in this phenomena.




Albino ice spice


dumb niggers breed dumb niggers, the parents probs gave them the pistol for their instagram


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wholesome niggerino


This is why theres little to no trannies in nigger-dominated spaces


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it would be funny to drop a cinder block on that nigger kids head like a loony toons cartoon


autotune gem


they call them real women on jarty


Why didint xe just bite xhis cock doe?


its the biggest margestone in the sites history and i don't think we will ever truly know


from the calves this looks like a troon, we may need a fact check



Are you niggers dont hearing xhis voice? Thats clearly a troon geg


Xhis granny's voicebox



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>>3179 (You)
Are you niggers dont hearing xhis voice? Thats clearly a troon geg


is this real?!?!?!?!?!?


File: niggersbtfo.webm πŸ“₯︎ (2.94 MB, 640x360) ImgOps


make niggers vanish!




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the absolute majority of niggers are actual 40 iq subhumans, it's fucking unbelievable. I swear to God, there's maybe like 1% actually literate ones


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What is happening in this video?


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well folx am out of videos now


NGL this is kinda gemmy because i hate women


they are trying to revive george floyd with the nigger pump


nigger that a little girl


But that's a little girl doe


thank you for your soyvice


pumping liquid nigganium into his veins to create the GiggaNigga


>I love little girls doe


nigger above me


Nobody said this


File: omgsisa.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (3.87 MB, 480x480) ImgOps

> is that a fat nigger pretending to be a woman?? Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


you did us a good service 'teen





They are fucking grotesque


What constitutes as a human then? Humans have undoubtedly done worse in humanity thoughout our existence, and this nigger preforming a misdeed is enough to be declassified as a human?


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nigger fight


Because they see other african ethnic groups as subhuman


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>no one died


Everybody hates niggers, Even niggers themselves


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Santa BVCKS feral nigger


bro why was there a taser


Blacks are surprisingly the most racist ones of them all. They all look the same, but are divided by organized deviations in culture to which they all claim superiority. Ever since Eastern Europe imported a variety of weapons, they have enacted TND and destroyed their culture for millenea to come. This has sprouted the term, "Colorism", which is "prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.'


shut the fuck up and enjoy the nigger squabble




edit this so it's a troonjak rolling on the floor


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>shut the fuck up and enjoy the nigger squabble


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justified self defense in texas btw


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wtf why are these kids twerking for their dead grandpa


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Fun fact there are over 3000 tribes in Africa alone


this happens on a daily basis at my school, multiple times a day


i'm hawiye


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tranny gets BTFO


Btw i'm from the Tuat tribe if anybody cares


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what is with niggers and ruining any normal person's day


America and Africa should be nuked. They all should be put out of their misery.


based niggers infighting for millenia


The idea of pan-africanism is ridiculous


wtf i love nignogs now


it is, african americans are very out of touch


How can somebody wipe with that kind of ass fat? I think shit just keeps piling up there for decades


it does, they literally have dead skin, sweat and other goodies get stuck under their tits and fat rolls and it leads to infections


Has this fact checked?


can happen to anyone but happens mostly to obese people due to aforementioned reasons


Ethiopia created pan-africanism


created by rich african/ethiopian diaspora in the west



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True coomers will stay porn addicted forever, duch is the fate of gooning


if this nigger didn't get a sentence afterwards there truly is no hope


I used to be a hardcore coomer since very beginning of elementary school up until the last year of high school, but eventually beat the addiction. EPI is an actual problem


How the fuck did u start at the beginnig of elementary school i didn't even know how babies were made till 4th grade
also marge what is EPI


early porn introduction


>very beginning of elementary school
nigga what???


How did you accomplish it? 'Peasy?


I was a coomer since 2016, I was 11 quit recently


I saw Naruto hentai and a bunch of softcore porn DVDs in my friend's house. I was literally 8 at that time.
At least a few guys I knew from that school started around the same age


Congrats on becoming 11 years old


Used to jack off every day, then every few days, then once a week and eventually quit. Cold turkey isn't that effective tbh.
And you have to stop watching porn and switch to erotica when you goon. Will help you quit tremendously
I only masturbate once every few months now


Nigga he quit being 11


what do you define as a coomer? there were some times where i would jerk off almost everyday was i cooming then?


Gooned 7 times a day during quarantine (not kidding). It was actual hell


Do you just have battle scars at this point


I remember gooning fo 6 hours straight some time


>there were some times where i would jerk off almost everyday was i cooming then?
In essence you were cooming, but you weren't a coomer because you acknowledged the problem, coomers usually dont know or dont think its an adiiction


Not true. I've been addicted for 7 years and I hate ppornography with every ounce of my body but I can't quit


My cock became numb and couldn't even shoot semen (because there was none left at that point) after the 7th time. Gooning can and will ruin your libido


You just have to think about what you are going to keep losing if you continue gooning (potential relationships with women, self confidence, dopamine, attention span, time, socialization, self control). Chasing nothing but pleasure will ruin you. Heed my word.
For most people, you can't just say no and stop being an addict immediately. If cold turkey doesn't work for you, try prolonging the interval between every masturbation session (two days, three days, week, 2 weeks etc.)







I bet the media won't even cover this story


Diamond in the thread


Geg, post more Peaches, that bitch crazy even by sheboon standards


Diamond in the thread


enderman farm


I've actually seen worse looking ones irl


>section 8 housing


black people store more fat in their butt and thighs than white people




File: TNDpitbvll.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (10.02 MB, 720x808) ImgOps

PIT BVLLs… I fucking kneel…



Naw was bro trying to fuck dat dawg


Proof that niggers aren't human


she on live bruh


why is this nigger’s pants down


Enough of this racist garbage!


>no arrow


i wish the punisher was real cause holy shit these niggers need to die


lmao those white cucks were seething


>saving money for an engagement ring so im still using this shitty 2012 laptop which dies after a second without being plugged in, so i'm at the library with my laptop.
enjoy the wasted money and divorce rape


>i cant breathe


>ev&oe theyre doing a better job enacting TND that me


based judeo christian getting circumcised
kike is king




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how do you even do that


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a thread of astronomical proportions


Up. Come back.


resuscitating the bread




>a thread of astronomical proportions

Georgy Fedorov


this nigger doing the DIY chiropractics


100% aryan!


This one's a classic


skibidi dop dop dop yes yes


tanzanite video


Xe culturally enriched the building


thats so sad, cant imagine living in muttland


Is that a machete or a slipper





Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


Stranger than fiction holy fuck lmao


Not everyone with an iPhone is me, you realize that right?


File: 1703140537840.gif πŸ“₯︎ (342.49 KB, 250x250) ImgOps

Thanks for taking the fall for what I did yesterday on phone, Yotsoyba.


File: 1715272166228m.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (114.5 KB, 1062x1196) ImgOps

>Thanks for taking the fall for what I did yesterday on phone, Yotsoyba.


'jak him


average soyteen


The old nigger I feel bad for


Right infront of the fucking baby too???? What the fuck…



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how can you 'teens find joy in this? We are basically as bad as the negros themselves if we mock the dead no matter what race or who they are.


Quit being such a moralfag


joy? this shit is fucking miserable to watch


>Other races making minstrel shows inspired by this spectacle over a hundred years ago le bad
How could you not make sideshows making fun of niggers, it's only natural


No, because they are niggers. My morality is… Beyond. You are a slave


Black women's murder rate is higher than white men's (this should change, whites need to get into murder again in a very big way)



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