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why shouldnt i wear a chastity cage? they improve my focus and it feels comfy to wear.


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are there any health benefits to it?


oyyyy mah gawd


naw it just makes it easier to cum from anal


can cumming from anal have health benefits?




there is no non-psychosexual reason why you should wear one


can i get any health problems from wearing one?
whats the smallest i can go?


bump i need answers




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bump. someone answer my questions >>2404


braces so this is you ahh


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its a salt shaker………


bump. someone answer my questions >>2404


youre a faggot that likes taking bbc in the ass, you belong on tiktok so get off the sharty


healthy erections come from healthy bloodflow so over long periods it can be damaging to your erection quality especially when you go to bed


please take this degeneracy back to /soy/


but does it really matter if my dick shrinks a little? if it has no other problems ill be fine with it




Hell no stay off soy, make xim go to /plier/




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I've unironically been using a chastity cage and I recommend it. Not for degenerate reasons, quite the opposite, fags love to go on about how nofap is le ultimate megachallenge for Hyperborean warriors but you can just… stop yourself from masturbating. It's so easy.


wearing chastity cage is aryan


what if you get hard? Won't the cage be too small?


Do you also fuck yourself in the ass so you can shit better?



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