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What are some good improvised dildos? I've heard that cucumbers are good


your dilator


My cock


i mostly just used cucumbers


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Doorknobs in public restrooms


Blud what if they see you sticking the door knob up yourasshole through the door crack


>even doe anal is made by


I meant the single person bathrooms in gas stations and whatnot. I've gotten some pretty gnarly infections that way, but nothing a little antibiotics couldn't fix


Silent gem havent seen this one before


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when did nusoicocomelons become so gross?


Faggot redditors dont know they can stimulate their prostates through internal muscle movements
Zero anus insertion required
Look up mindgasm


Marge? Could you explain in more detail?


Look it up on desuarchive https://desuarchive.org/_/search/text/mindgasm/type/posts/
Essentially your pelvic area has a number of muscles you can learn to utilize in certain ways, particularly the ones around your prostate


you cant imagine a BWะก in your tight asshole doe


stop putting foreign objects up your asshole it's dangerous


thats not the point doe, also this is far more intense than any "goonsesh", you WILL look into mindgasm, nofap+yesporn, erotic hypnosis, HFOs, spirit sex


if your going to have a gay orgasm may as well buy a dildo or prostate massager stop looking at cringe sissy hypno kegals videos


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>spirit sex


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>if your going to have a gay orgasm
dumb nigger they are not gay
>may as well buy a dildo or prostate massager
>sissy hypno kegals videos
those are retarded you dont know what im talking about
just look it up chuddy


geg that's classic lore


it's the same shit you goose just one method is more effective


>it's the same shit
the sensations are very different, no one goonsesh is the same
>just one method is more effective
i wouldnt call it more or less effective, just varying intensity in different aspects


both are gay


both what


hfo mindgasm sissy hypno vs shoving something in your butt


there is nothing gay about self hypnosis in general doe
but sissy hypno is retarded


and mindgasm is just improving your mind-body connection, i think it could even be a positive learning experience in that regard, same for erotic hypnosis as it can serve as an entry point to self hypnosis in general

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