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years of testosterone poisoning mutilated my face and body and i look like an ogre now and if anyone irl ever told me trannies are mutilating kids or whatever i'd blow my brains out in front of them. disgusting evil substance. look at chris chan for an example of high T individuals


and this is the shithole board so i can shit up my troon shit here


being high T is a hell im not sure id wish on anyone. maybe some


why dont you embrace being an ogre then you stupid fuck


brother the only reason i am alive is delusional hope that one day i'll fix my face with surgery
this is like telling a feminine man that doesnt feel respected as a man to start transitioning into a girl and getting fucked by men


i'm not going to embrace what i hate most about myself. i can't change my bone structure but i can at least try to hide it until i can fix it with surgery


>i'm not going to embrace what i hate most about myself.
and that's why you're going to stay miserable.
>until i can fix it with surgery
never works kek


you can say the post-ffs pics don't look like women if you want but i think they do and if i had the results i've seen from good surgeons i'd be satisfied
>and that's why you're going to stay miserable.
that's why i'm going to fix it or die
if you had a massive deformity would you embrace it and try to deform more parts of your body as much as you can or would you try to get surgery to remove it


>if you had a massive deformity
Except there is no deformity, you've convinced yourself somethings wrong with you when nothing is.
>you can say the post-ffs pics don't look like women if you want but i think they do and if i had the results i've seen from good surgeons i'd be satisfied
They are selling you a product, you are falling for advertising. You are never going to be "satisfied" because you are the one creating your problems. If you hate yourself over something small, even if you fix that thing, you will just find something else to hate yourself for.


maybe i won't be satisfied but i know i used to be feminine and i remember what it was like to enjoy femininity before it was taken from me. my shoulders are kinda fucked so once i fix my face ill probably be focused on that but like.. shoulder surgery is expensive as fuck and really risky so i guess i'll probably just have to come to terms with that. if ffs makes my face feminine i don't think it'll matter much. the problem is working hard to be able to afford ffs
>you've convinced yourself somethings wrong with you when nothing is.
i cant really convince you gender dysphoria is a real mental illness and that it's incurable




no this is the shitty board i can dump my troonslop here


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if not wanting to be an ogre is a gross fantasy fair enough




im honestly way too masculine for a man even if i wasnt a troon surgery would be the right way to go so i dont look angry and scary 24/7 due to my bone structure


That’s body dysmorphia not troon shit retard

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