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File: nusoiukuleles don't know a….png 📥︎ (205.92 KB, 915x871) ImgOps


What the actual *FUCK* is this board? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off


Sproke, we just have a sense of humor light years ahead of yours.


Baited everyone award


File: thumb (3).jpg 📥︎ (3.56 KB, 192x111) ImgOps


File: 1984.gif 📥︎ (129.55 KB, 220x162) ImgOps

>What the actual *FUCK* is this board? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off

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