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File: Serious_Markiplier.png 📥︎ (119.12 KB, 480x640) ImgOps


i sent ronnie mcnutt's nutty video to a suicidal 'teen, ama


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because xe was a selfish little fuck derailing the bread + xe was a tranny


and also because it would be funny


Well if its a troon then nothing bad happened


File: Fact_Markiplier.png 📥︎ (112.81 KB, 601x1018) ImgOps

everyone who shares xheir suicidal thoughts to a bald cartoon men with glasses site instead of a therapist is a tranny


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yeah take that shit to /r9k/


I was in that thread, your all faggot niggers also people who avatar fag as tranime should be banished ohio city in kansas nevada


File: Seriously_Markiplier.png 📥︎ (43.07 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

even doe all suicidetrannies are selfish little fucks, like stop making such a big deal, just kill yourself already, or better yet, stop being such a pussy


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