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/pol/ - International Politics

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/pol/ is back to being /pol/. I re-opened >>>/int/.

NSFW, including gore and explicit wartime imagery, is allowed in /pol/. However, you must still be on topic, so no loopholes to turn this into /nate/, coomer paradise, or #gore-dump.


Readded the Kuzist flag.

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Muslims confuse me, pork is the fucking bomb how can you not eat it?
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Do mexicans actually use cow or pork brains for tacos?, Nah meds and sproke doe, also there's a difference between american tacos and actual mexican tacos albeit


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Why the fuck would i raise pigs when i can raise chickens? Pigs are loathsome and don't clean themselves like chickens do also.


Never tried it but from what I've heard pork is a lot more dangerous if it's undercooked or just not cooked right in general


no thats chicken


Chicken is a lot harder to mess up than pork
Chicken has salmonella and pork has parasites
Even if I weren't Muslim, I wouldn't eat pork.

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Rape all leftists





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uraaaaanium feeever


bethesda slop award


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>bethesda slop award


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>video games


marge on the one on the bottom


completely forgotten about in 1 (one) weeks award

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>Rust, Ruby, JS, Python
<Java, C#, Lua
^C, C++, Assembly, VHDL
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>>>430279 (OP) (You)
>Youre the same


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>>>>430279 (OP) (You)
>>Youre the same


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>>430279 (OP)
Youre the same


nobody even brought him up 💀💀💀


orangetext ones are keyed doe

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Which one?


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Sunni or Shi'a?
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What about ibadi?


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Falsenvke, around 90% of muslims are sunnis and sunni islam is the largest sect in the world, more than catholics
>shia countries are not warzones
holy falsenvke


shia countries:
>lebanese civil war
>iran-iraq war
>iraq insurgency
>syrian civil war (assad is shia)
>yemeni civil war
shias cause sectarianism which leads to war


Lil bitchass sunni cant handle a fight lmaooo dubai ass bitchass cracka🤣🤣🤣🤣

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stop making threads retard


Stop obsessing with everything i post


What if she was straight

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damn 6ix9ine hasn't been the same since he moved to kyiv


niggas coally doe cobson get the 'jakky tho



That is correct that Ukraine basically owns the United States now

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Who would win realistically
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>Deployed as militant a number of times and killed 51 in new zealand. Became executioner afterwards due to amazing performance and high ranking.
Jihadi John
>Untrained subhuman raisinskin. Attacks only unarmed civilians


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Tarrantsissies are so mindbroken that they have to use different VPNs for polls.


Retarded projection wtf when was he a trained militant you dumbass?


you can't use vpns to vote albeit


oh no, xhe's obsessed

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