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 β„–519258[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

How do I detrans groomed trannies?
I feel bad for them
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The best thing I saw from a screenshot from r/ftm is just to have an attracive guy like them. But my best guess would be to try and convert them to Christianity.


BRO practice some opsec, dont be sharing dem playans wid dem internet floozies.


sheeeit nigger god me all fugged up


whats special about proton and tuta? i thought they were based in switzerland and their government now accepts western requests for info


>July 2015
This 'toss is old af mayne, i wonder how it is like today


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soyjaks fucking suck
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they're just not funny and have lost their charm


soyboys dont exist anymore now we have mullet men and troons


MEDS they still exist, we are just seeing new soy meta


Soyjaks are dead because soyquoting now just signals that your clΓ―tty is leaking


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gigas are funnier than soyjaks, i laugh whenever i see gigaquotes


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 β„–37503[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

"Cyka blyat vodka vodka xaxaxaxaxa bober no monet gib clay kurwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or so i say"
-Some eastern european guy, some time ago i think
Ρ€oэт аптяo аят апь аптяo cцгтцяe! oΠ΄o
Still waiting for sonic rumble…
>/anthro/ board archives:
>New here? Read up on the history or something:
Last thread: >>35898
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>Marioman wants a reason to look up porn


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>Furries want a reason to justify sexualizing their pets


holy mother of meds


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HOLY GEMERALD and amazing work on the bg music


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issa gem 'innit.


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Just opened /soy/ after 45 days of absence. Did I miss anything?
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Also forgot to add the minus8 'ox


Doesn't count as a get.


That's quads not a GET


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>>>8832215 (You)
>even though that was just a bait screenshot


yeah, i own a gempass, that's how i know it is a fake screenshot.


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I bet WW3 will start before December
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probably lol the signs are pointing towards it and the (((elites))) want to kill all the young white men foor israel to defend jewry and make it so a white rebellion of young men would never happen due to them fighting and dying for israel shame on those who support israel.


poor polish farmer


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I hope a time machine is invented so i can go back in time and kill all jews before WW1 starts



Make polish farmers poor?


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Why are married white men so obsessed with fixing their cars while their wife is having fun with three Atlantan bulls?


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https://reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025 79000 members
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CvQhTbCY4xc mass report for terrorism and misinformation
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kamala won


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Israel is losing in lebanon lol cl!ttycels keep leaking!


report the video. if we could take down that one c*nny video yesterday we can do it again


won't matter because we russian hackers will bot the votes for kamala like in 2016 or whatever american media says


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Jump scared by β€˜cado in the β€˜tube


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 β„–520071StickyImages Only[Reply]

>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for Extraflags users to post about our trips, discuss flag collecting, and autistic activities while funposting.

>What is Extraflags?

Extraflags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.

Instructions and video guides for installing Extraflags can be found here: https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Requests to add or change flags can be made here: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/issues

>Collecting flags? Filling maps?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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<Chud ## Manager
Did i mention that i'm a cute trans girl? nyahhhh~~~~


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why are gigachads so much funnier than soyjaks now, i never laugh at soyjaks anymore ever but giga makes me chuckle


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>The year is 2025
>Half the 'log is just Jiren threads set to loop


This will happen btw


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Give this thread more than 1000 replies for no reason at all




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To me, orthodox iconography violates the second commandment.
>but muh ark of the covenant cherubim
The ark of the covenant is not meant to represent God, orthodox iconography is more like the golden calf, voluntarily made by man for worship
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pretty much same even doe it's orthodox or whatever


Protbros stay winning


Protestant i think


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ITT we hack TV channels and play jartycuck songs


forgot IDs but oh well

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