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File: IAScar.png 📥︎ (833.82 KB, 2000x1080) ImgOps


Soyvelopers newest game, IAScar, has just been announced.
3d modelers are required for the multiplayer arcade racing game, release date unknown.


im making models


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (497.98 KB, 998x655) ImgOps

>da joos are why I'm in 8th place




marge, how would i get involved if i know how to model?


Marge, is it gonna be released on steam or is it gonna be like last time?



Faggots use this site


> IAScar announced
i thought it was about an IAS depiction of Scar being made (even though there`s one already)


can you guys add a carmaggedon mode where you run over pedestrians?

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