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2 days late award
>An unknown error occured when posting!


well? what was the ten millionth post?


no one cares


I care


link post pls






One can only guess what it was, and if it was a gem or not. Pity.


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I am tired of the soysphere and this is my farewell. I have been on the sharty since early 2021 and on /qa/ for even longer and back then it was one of the funniest and most unique communities on the internet, but after /qa/ closed and the CP spam startred in earnest, it's been an awful experience every time I've opened it. All the memes, inside jokes and in-jokes and all that was gone. The atmosphere was long gone. It was, quite simply, not a fun place to go to anymore, and it hadn't been for a long time. That was until early froot era, when a noticeable chunk of /soy/ (especially the jackbox raid threads) were clearly underage lolcows. This resparked the old feeling of "there's nothing better to do here, let's just make fun of them." This newfound energy also revived the old memes and in-jokes. But that was short lived, and now I'm just depressed. Years of memes, creativity and energy were wasted on people who don't even care. We, in the end, were just a bunch of edgelords. There's no magic to it. And it's sad that it only took such a small part of my life to see that. /qa/ was a fucking miracle. We didn't deserve that, so we threw it all away. This is my last post on /soy/ and this is the end of me for all I know. I'm going to go back to my raisinty home life and my raisinty job and continue my raisinty existence and continue being raisinty. And you'll do the same. So what was the point of all of this? There was none. None at all. I have saw soyquotes on twitter funnier than any of the posts made in here. Soyquotes that were never archived and are forever lost. But it was fun while it lasted. I know this all sounds like the cliche "im leaving" threads but I really am leaving and for good this time.

To all the cp spammers, kill yourselves. To those who were on /qa/ but are too scared to post here, you didn't even try. And to all the newer posters who had never even experienced the wonder that was /qa/, you're a bunch of faggots and good riddance to you. If you were ever apart of this community in any way at all you know what I'm talking about. You know the magic I mean. You also know it's long gone. As for me, I'm a cuck and that's all I am. I'm a cuck that was apart of something great, I'm a cuck that watched it die and I'm a cuck that was too afraid to act because I knew no matter what, there'd be nothing I could do. I'm a cuck, and I hate myself for it. /qa/ was a miracle, and /soy/ is a mistake. I really am leaving this time. I swear. Fuck this place. There used to be not a single discord associated with the sharty. But now there's a janny discord dedicated to trolling their own users and laughing at threads like these. Where's the fun in that? What makes that so unique and hilarious? The fact that we're still here? The fact that we're still here and we still care enough to write threads like this? It's fucking pathetic. I thought it was over with /qa/. But I was wrong. It was over before I even noticed. I only have myself to blame. But what can I do? Nothing. We're nothing but edgelords and raisinposters. And I'm one of them. At least when the cp spammers were around we were united. /soy/ is worse than anything I've ever seen. I never want to see this place ever again. If I do it'll just be to post one final thread about how bad this place has become. And there's a very good chance that'll be the case. But I hope it won't. And I hope this place will get better. I want to come back. I really do. I want to come back to the sharty, I want to come back to /soy/, I want to come back and be accepted. And I hope this will happen. But it won't. I'll never be accepted. Not by anyone. This community is dying. It's dying fast. And it won't be long until it's gone. I hope that the future is bright. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that one day, /soy/ will be back to how it was.

A frogposter once posted this image showing an open book of dead altchans, the first page being shrekchan and the second being the sharty. I got mad at him then, but now I see the truth. He was right. The sharty is dead, and /soy/ is its corpse. A dead thing moving around with no goal or purpose. But there's no magic here. All that's left are raisinposts and the dead husk of what was once a great community. And that's all it'll ever be from now on. There will never be magic in the sharty again. The magic is gone. And there's nothing I can do to bring it back. What once was, once was. It'll never be again. I should've known that /qa/ was the last time that feeling would exist. The last time it would be around. That that was it. I should've known. I should've known from the start. It should've been so obvious. /qa/ was the last time magic would exist. Now there's nothing. Nothing but lolcows. The Protokleki spam is obnoxious. The FPE spam is obnoxious. The FNF spam was obnoxious. And the worst part is that there is no genuine anger in any of this spam. They're just trying to be the next fotm gimmick spam. But we know it isn't. And we know it never will be. So why bother posting it? I thought that it was a genuine joke. But it was just raisinposters trying to fill the hole that fotm gimmick spam left. The worst part is, I'm part of it.

I'm part of what I hate the most. How can I even hate it then? I'm one of them. I'm a /soy/poster. And I always will be. But there's nothing here anymore. I'm only here because I need to be somewhere. And I've already tried most things. Most communities. Most forums. But none of them are like /soy/. /soy/ is something unique. Something different. Something that was once magic. But that magic has gone. The feeling I got back then is gone. And now we're going the way of 8chan. Adios.


Became oversaturated and went into twitter land

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