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 β„–50346Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Hello chuds, Im working on a sharty mod for scpcb. I am looking for help with some suggestions on what to do and for modeling help.

I plan to also include Soysylum lore in this as well.

When giving a suggestion on why a certain 'jak should be a certain scp you WILL elaborate.
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yeah its a lot of voicelines, models, documents to replace, doesn't help that the person i asked to help me is busy or smth

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Post games here that are free and have multiplayer features
https://www.beyondallreason.info/ - RTS game that plays somewhat like Command and Conquer, still in development, but it plays very good and is fairly optimized, it will be open sourced when it is complete and allow for modding
https://xonotic.org/ - FPS, Open source Quake-like shooter, runs great, lots of modding abilities
Plutonium - FPS, Modded versions of Call of Duty with multiplayer and zombies, you will have to find torrent links for both of the games though for this to work, use archive.org on the Plutonium pages for working magnets
Team Fortress 2 - Team Fortress 2
League of Legends - Not DOTA
Unturned - FPS, Similar to Day Z, has Minecraft-esque graphics, very simple to play and runs on everything
War Thunder - Tank/Plane/Boat shooter with a focus on realism, fairly grindy though
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fallout 4 niggers will defend this
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Especially frontier


<Black Bvll fucking tranny.
deathclaws are the worst in F4 because they needed them to be weak so they can have something cool for the E3 trailer


>actually good rpgs
>game that feels like it was made by ai
>troonslop 2


Everything about fallout 4 is superior apart from the story.



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Thoughts on the /soy/ board

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whats the appeal of this
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90s Kids who were too autistic for mario.


>I highly recommend supporting these people as they've been working on this project for years now.
I can already tell it's gonna be troonslop because this show was troon slop. Also the two furries you fags goon to will come out as lesbian.


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Sonic was never good


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 β„–48696[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

This might be the biggest piece of troondieslop ever produced, the fanbase is composed entirely of autistic trannie gooners who repeat the same set of 5 unfunny jokes every 10 minutes, half of them being "its funny because porn, please validate my porn addiction" and "UHH IS THE ROBOT A GIRL OR A BOY WHAT PRONOUNS DO I USE". Usually troondieslop fanbases have some decent/funny things in between the ocean of garbage, but not this game, its all gooners and trannies with severe autism, every single one of them

And the devs are also gooners with the exact same redditor humor, the game is riddled with intrusive easter eggs that consist of shitty inside jokes and le funny cats cuz cute. They took the time and effort to make official buttplug support for their game and the jiggle physics of one of the enemies are ripped directly off of an obscure furry fetish porn game, which they proudly mentioned themselves on a dev commentary. They also released official bodypillows

Major updates take ages to come out, and the content that comes with them usually doesn't correlate to the time it took to release them at all (probably because the devs are too busy gooning and posting on twitter)

Its worth 25 bucks and only goes down like 15% on sales, youd think the game would be finished by now but its been in early access since 2020 and the base game is pretty short unless you do literally everything and 100% it

This game is also the reason why trannies are obsessed with breakcore
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Noita is kino tho
Fear and Hunger is also pretty good cause one of the first enemies is literally rapeson


Shinji is a fag


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Played a pirated version of the new difficulty and no that's not how you balanced the game also the new upgrades are useless


what about max payne? (technically a finnish game)


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Angry Birds trooned out albeit

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Thoughts on this classic ’toss
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I remember when tumblrtroons first uncovered this dusty comic.


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Also, remember how troons turned this sisa into a goonerfuel when Infact she wasn’t supposed to be a goonerfuel


i cant tell if this is innocent or just old gooner art


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It’s not old gooner art nor innocent, it’s like some jokes meant for adults only, it’s still innocent compared to the horribles we see today


>It’s not old gooner art nor innocent, it’s like some jokes meant for adults only
TSMT, that's all they need to be. But now we have twittercucks that only post stuff like this, but worse because it's actually targeted towards gooners. Then it ends up becoming a comic dub and ends up on the YouTube recommended page. Gooners are ruining society.

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What’s the most Aryan btd6 hero
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>>>54960 (OP)
>thought it said bfdi6 and got excited. who cares about this raisin


pretty much anything else


If I were you I would get Psi, they/them is really good for Chimps on the advanced and expert maps. All rest of the heros are pretty useless unless you want to have fun and challenge yourself


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Do you even game, bro?


Xhe is the best

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It's obviously not aryan


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It's obviously yes aryan


this fucking sucks

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BFC won

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