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This board contains and preserves the numerous recurring general threads across the site, as well as welcomes new ones. General threads are still perfectly fine on /soy/, but longer term, more discussion-based threads can be posted here, where they will not expire.


  • Threads on /g/ are immune to sliding or necrobump pushdown. This allows for ongoing discussion and topics.
  • On this board, you can create one new thread per day. Choose wisely!
  • Spam will be cleaned up.

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 β„–31158[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

-13 year old GOD
Post anthro art, discuss anthro culture, yadda yadda yadda
>/anthro/ board archives:
>New here? Read up on the history or something:
Last thread: >>29969
708 posts and 455 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the snoot community off the sharty is so unbelievably troony its not even funny


*better than the sharty


No they just post unfunny twitter humour gay memes


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You mean the sharty?

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 β„–11300loop[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6]

post your tests
532 posts and 84 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.







!!!!!!!!!!test!!!!!!!!!!!! o algo



 β„–21247loop[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Β Post your submissions, feedback, and questions for the channel here.
712 posts and 225 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what I was working on. - Rent-anon


Great work so far 🙏


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Was I robbed of a spot?


Yes, rhubarb is only a /qa/ artist while we extend our on all boards. Oh well, maybe next time


Hmm, it is what it is 🥲

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<i had a super chad best friend through out high school.
<after graduation we went through technical college
<he half way through he dropped out to work more.
<lost touch for like a year.
<next time we meet hes wearing nail polish
<dont think much as i have another friend with an ear piercing with a hot goth anorexic goth gf
<lose touch for a couple more months
<he tells me hes trans
<what the fuck

now hes on hormone therapy and wants me to call him Madeline and nearly threw a fit when i called him him his real name. i just miss my friend, my real friend, but i dont want him to <ACK- himself.


Does your friend pass as a real heckin woman?

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Gaming PCs (especially with multiple screens) for trannies.

100% of zoomers use Iphones.

3rd worlders use android.


LaptopDIETIES won.




What about a gaming pc with one monitor?


Laptopchads check in


this is the thinkchad general

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Official pixelplanet thread
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fake script do not use


real script do use


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Byzantibros keep winning


thanks I will now draw johnson over it

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I don't care what race you are, unless you're Danish. Danish "people" are not human.
94 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




why goyimjohnsons get so leaky after being frightened by predatory and assertive jewGODS?




>Is a racist
>Doesn't care what race you are


Racism singularity

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 β„–22917loop[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Post your complaints, suggestions, thoughts about the schlog, document history of it, et cetera. I aim for this to be basically the reverse of the kiwifarms sharty thread.
709 posts and 188 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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We don't miss you


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trips for funkin


I miss you


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Just blogpost here lol

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Talk about Homestar Runner here!


raisin nobody cares about


candy everybody cares about


homestar runner was so popular back in the 2000's
it got featured in neal.fun's internet artifacts


This is 2024 thoughbeit

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I have moderate acne and some inflammation on my face. The pimples are more apparent on my cheeks and foreheads as they are whiteheads. Alot of blackheads are present on my nose though.

What do i do blvds? I dont wanna be a sub5 swarthycuck
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


get something sharp and hack away at them


Don't pop any of them, get yourself an anti-acne cleanser, and a face cream to keep your face from drying out.
It would be good to have a separate towel for your face if you're using the same one as for your body, and wash your face once in the morning, and once in the evening (if you don't have the energy to do it in the morning it's probably be fine.)
Also change your pillow cases regularly, once every week should be enough.
Going outside helps, but remember to wear sunscreen so you don't get cancer and also drink water and cut on junk food.


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Thanks brother


dont rub your face with the towel its not good for your skin
You should "tap" your face dry with it


take a warm shower and wash your face using sulfur soap containing 10% sulfur and at least 2-3% salyic acid

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aja baba buba kaka jajajaja oooo papapapapa lubububu pupu maj poopoo mama ye kaka uuuu aaa aa xdddddd oco oco tober tober tober dererer uuuma






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>>>>>An error has occured.
>>Your IP address currently does not >meet the requirements to vote on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>polls.



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can someone make the choke hold with bernd as vampire flower and chud as all star zombie


mind broken over vamp sunflowers main


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Kek digital shartist looking ass break xer wrists

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>Go on archive of our own (Fanfic site)
>Search for zellig for fun
>See results




Yteboi beatdown general.


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OP looks like this


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Post what you are reading right now.
For me it's Song of Roland
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reading the bible, KJV


Reading PG Wodehouse Jeeves book. It’s gemmy


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someone wrote this on /soy/ geg


should have 'chived instead you dumb gorilla nigger now i have to ocr this


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I don't deserve not to understand this


Garfielf won o algo

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*sharts on your hobby*

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Ban Blasphemy




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Establish White Sharia

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probably have trooned out or be posting nigger coal tranny brimstone
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Who cares? He died a legend. Quit slandering, nigger.




He would be posting here lol


He would of been around 30, doubt he would still care about dumb internet raisin anymore


trvthnvke, he would end up like the nigga that created pingas

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