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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soyak.party:25565

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It shall be known that the FIRST SoyCraft Presidency shall happen, and it will be great, greater than any other presidency you know, trust me.

Currently we are in the CAMPAIGNING STAGES.

TO SUBMIT A CAMPAIGN You must state your :

Name of President
(Optional) Name of Vice President
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and probably make a thing at spawn with a ton of kikefun machines because setting this raisin up is a nightmare

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This plugin allows you to put any image or gif you desire and make it into a mapart.
The two most important commands are as follows :

/imageframe select - Select item frames to put image maps on
/imageframe create <name> <url> <width> <height> - Create a new image map

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I think almost every player wants this rule to be a thing, it is for the better good of the server to have something like this especially without any /tp commands. It IS NEUTRAL territory and you VILL like it.


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I want to remind that using alt accounts to increase the power of your faction is, as you MIGHT guess… NOT allowed! I think it is somewhat fair that we have a rule like this!

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Hey jannies
Pin a thread for Voice Chats
I don't want to make a new thread
Every, Single, Time.
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CHUD please CHUD please save us please CHUD please save us we need you CHUD please CHUD please save us please
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This gay system we have is untenable, where we have factions but everyone has le hecking peace and YOU BETTER NOT GRIEF OKAY? I think the next president needs to take a stand and pick one or the other.
>Trigger warning: opinion zone ahead
Anyone can copypasta the latest trendy build, but what makes it impressive in a multiplayer setting is keeping it hidden and defending it from griefs. That's why raisin made on 2b2t is more impressive than the average hypixel build. That also means if your build is less than 1k blocks out of spawn, you shouldn't complain if it gets lavacasted, because the more attention you beg for, the more griefers you'll get too.
Also having a big beautiful reddit spawn owned by the government is undeniably towny. It's probably good to have something as a landmark, but massive build projects where admins hand out resources for free is lame and cringe. If you really give a raisin about the server, you would go out and do the hard work yourself, and not rely on janny handouts. And you wouldn't put it where it would get rolled back every time a grief happened, because having some skin in the game shows you're part of the community.
If you (yes you) want server-wide projects, get your like minded factions to pool resources. Otherwise, don't build anything.


just build at spawn geg


I agree partially, though I think builders should have some protections.
I think there should be a smaller area around spawn for builds, not this massive tranny protection zone.

Here's what I disagree with though: I think there should be a way to protect your builds (not your bases) from griefing. In fact you could use cob-coins for this, it would actually give them immense value, something that it's been missing since it's inception. You pay a certain amount of cob coins to protect a single build, where neither you or any other player can modify or grief the build (to keep players from protecting stashes) and you can pay an additional amount to undo this.
You could also add other janny services (such as recovering/teleporting you to your last NON-PVP death) for a steep price.
Add shops at spawn that allow you to pay for specific blocks and items with cob-coins.
I think inventory rollbacks, build protection, and access to building blocks is good for the server, but it should be EARNED, not given freely.
Neutral factions should not exist. If people want their builds protected from griefing, they should have to pay for it.


Iā€™d be fine with no griefing but pvp is freely allowed.

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Wtf happened to agartha


>why isn't there enough buikders on the server?


It will just get reverted again


no it wont the faction is dead, FrogCUCK left it


Good riddance


I am on holiday, please ban my account for two weeks until I get back


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>I am on holiday, please ban my account for two weeks until I get back

Hello saars this is an obsessed false flag I'm not going on holiday (marge why would I in September) you vill NOT ban me for two weeks


I'm about to board the plane, don't let this guy use my account while I'm gone

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Godspeed soldier. Do not go gentle into that good night rage, rage against the dying of the light. Don't look back. We must put an end to the FNWO gem-killing machine. The CIA is tracking your every movement. Every step you take, every breath you take, is all recorded. They're laughing at you. Pathetic. The CIA niggers glow in the dark, you can see them when you are driving. You just run them over, that's what you do.


If there Is one thing I want you to remember from these writings, It's that nuniggers must perish. Every day, more shittok immigrants join, replacing and dilluting the native soyteen population. Every day we become fewer in number, we get bored, we grow weaker. We are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in soycraft history. Gorrillions of offsiters pouring into the server "legally". A tragedy which continues to unfold. The crisis of mass shittok immigration is an assault on soycraftian people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete cultural and political replacement of the Soycraftian people.

The Janitorial Question

It is no coincidence that many of the issues faced by the server were caused by Janitorial action under the guise of incompetence. Perhaps the most infamous example was during the Initial launch of Soycraft 2. About a week after launch, the Soycraft janny pooner "mist" announced that xe was taking a vacation "for the holidays" despite there being exactly zero holidays worldwide at this time. Just a week later, Ronald quit as the site developer, and subsequently as a soycraft developer. This, as intended, allowed the player "Sonoro" to ravage the server, griefing every single base on the server, and abusing exploits to kill players and crash the server. As intended, this drove away genuine soyteens from the server, reducing our numbers dramatically. Upon relaunch of the server, and the return of mist and the introduction of a new Janitor, Wind, Sonoro mysteriously remained unbanned, despite his exploits, extreme griefing, and crashing of the previous server. This was not incompetence, this was an intentional genocide of soycraftian people, designed and perpetrated by Mist ximself. This is proven by Sonoro himself admitting that he was invited here, and the multiple occasions in which Sonoro has been unbanned by Mist. Mist even attempted for a fourth time to unban him, stating "I thought that maybe it would be good to give him a second chance". Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Kill them all.






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