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/caca/ - Cacaborea

i ate the pink stuff on dada's floor, i luv pink stuff on dada floor


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File: babydollcacaborea.png 📥︎ (889.51 KB, 1501x1412) ImgOps


anyon hav orgnal no dada ver of dis?


File: babycacaborea.gif 📥︎ (175.76 KB, 500x375) ImgOps

and aso de og bckgrnd of dis, in retun me mak walpapr


File: babyferalangry.jpg 📥︎ (1.11 KB, 95x126) ImgOps

y no dada, dada stey!


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noo, doo me did datmine mineself, as promiseed, hweere wallpapr


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File: 1610win11.jpg 📥︎ (4.91 KB, 268x167) ImgOps

1610 fwo tabwet babas


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adut twroon os


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did dada nor dell u that stwealing is a no no BAD BABA WILL TELL TO DADA!!


File: babyfact.jpg 📥︎ (5.42 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

it is no stweal if me carl it "inspwired"


File: 1699913330610.gif 📥︎ (12.03 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

stwuupit woopwoles



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