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A banner for soyjak.party

/caca/ - Cacaborea

i ate the pink stuff on dada's floor, i luv pink stuff on dada floor


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Hello newGOD here, I wanted to ask some cacaposters why so many people hate on babyjaks? From my understanding other than cacagate (which was proven false) and babybot (which seems to not really have anything to do with cacaposters) there is no other reason for regular 'teens to hate you guys but they do? Obviously some are jokes but a lot of them seem to genuinely hate you guys.


I feel like that could be the case but at the same time it seems like a majority of this site thinks DOLL was/is a good admin.


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I tink yo shod aske adultwoons on /soy/
I awso tin dat de agepwayer ting maeke pepoo mad (ebn dough notin like dat existe)


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sensicoalers hate what they don't understand


its self insert clotted cream


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dib so muck dib



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