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A banner for soyjak.party

/caca/ - Cacaborea

i ate the pink stuff on dada's floor, i luv pink stuff on dada floor


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File: Caca_badge.png 📥︎ (597.43 KB, 800x880) ImgOps




File: 52905_-_SoyBooru.jpg 📥︎ (1.7 KB, 100x100) ImgOps

fake baby? idk.


File: baba.gif 📥︎ (620.53 KB, 539x540) ImgOps

i don't think we can fill the roster with only babas, do we include colorjaks and deformed 'jaks in our team?


File: 1685465293142.png 📥︎ (8.89 KB, 157x224) ImgOps


File: 1687651539074.png 📥︎ (297.75 KB, 600x664) ImgOps

Sure, i don't see why not. We should add giga baby as well.


>Baby Bot
>Cobson Baby
>Swede Baby
>Feral Baby
>Dada Doll
>Giga Baby
>The 9 year old
>Color Bot
>Grinlook Poggers


Podenshuel pwayrers:
Baba(Reel one)
Baby sweed
Baby marge(maggie)
Giga baby
Color baby
Niggew baby(boot(baby soot))
Mama Doll
Dada Doll(captain(ehehe now slash froot cant use him))
Plier baby
Baby chud
Baby frog
Baby color gyate(if iab)
Baby bot(establish(second))
Baby cobby
Baby janny
Baby froot
Baby mutt
Put these in whatever position cus I dunno sock her positions or something like that yah


File: babymutt.jpg 📥︎ (3.79 KB, 134x129) ImgOps

coal, i like >>5247 better (baby 'mutt is gemmy doe)


also the names should be in lowercase and misspelled


Can we put ४ in too


sure, when we're done we should have someone update the roster


do this


hows it going babies


which one are you going with?



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