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i was happy in ohio while seeing gyatt
but grimace knows im misserable now
i was looking for a gyatt and the i found a gyatt
but grimace knows im misserable now
in my lifeeee why do i give valuable gyatts to sigmas who dont care if i
rizz or dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

two sigmas entwined pass me by so grimace knows im misserable now
i was looking for some gyatt and then i found some gyatt so grimace knows
im misserable now
in my life why do i give valuable gyatts to sigmas who dont care if i
rizz or dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

what she asked of me at the end of the rizz
grimace would have rizzed
oh youve been in ohio too long she said
and i naturally fled

in my life why do i smile at people who id much rather kick in the gyatt

i was happy in ohio while seeing gyatt
but grimace knows im misserable now
oh youve been in ohio too long she said
and i naturally fled

in my lifeeee why do i give valuable gyatts to sigmas who dont care if i
rizz or dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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