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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

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Hiya. I'm a 26 year old transgirl looking for some new homies to play games with. I play a wide variety of games and am willing to play anything, but i usually rotate in between Apex Legends and Overwatch 2. I'm a big fan of the soulsborne games, strategy games (Civ, Age of Empires), cozy games (Pokemon, Stardew).. etc. Point is, I just like gaming and would love to game with you. Please hit me up if you'd like a new friend or gaming buddy. Don't be shy!


File: troonhell.gif 📥︎ (1.13 MB, 500x500) ImgOps

>Hiya. I'm a 26 year old transgirl looking for some new homies to play games with. I play a wide variety of games and am willing to play anything, but i usually rotate in between Apex Legends and Overwatch 2. I'm a big fan of the soulsborne games, strategy games (Civ, Age of Empires), cozy games (Pokemon, Stardew).. etc. Point is, I just like gaming and would love to game with you. Please hit me up if you'd like a new friend or gaming buddy. Don't be shy!


File: 1691821784326.png 📥︎ (440.85 KB, 901x1221) ImgOps

==you will never be a woman
kill yourself!!!==


Go to kitchen


nice thread


File: IMG_2159.jpeg 📥︎ (268.28 KB, 1079x947) ImgOps

Would you like to worship my bbc? ?


marge why is this pinned


It's the perfect example of le bait


1. You misspelled Lee.
2. This isn't Leebait.



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