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Why is no one suggesting mandatory brain-scans before one can be allowed to undergo cross-sex hormone treatment in order to peacefully solve the trans problem?
>Some people have brains of opposite sex due to hormone exposure in womb
>This changes gray matter of brain to that of the opposite sex, & inevitably the SDN also cos it's smaller than gray matter
>SDN is highly correlated with sexual orientation
>Therefore most opposite brain sexed individuals should be gay or bisexual from the standpoint of their birth sex
>Despite this a majority of MtFs identify as "lesbian" with most of the others in the percentage being some form of not straight
>No wonder troons act so insane in politics if they're torturing their brains with the wrong E to T ratios! This also explains the suicides. Someone whose allowed themselves to fall into sexual vice to this degree probably is gonna be prone to pedophilia also
You might just deontologically think that trooning is bad full stop, but brain scans before HRT would get rid of basically all the troons at the moment, certainly all of the most obnoxious & pedophile ones, and surely this is easier to convince the public over than TTD?!
>If you wanna argue about the soyence I can give you my sources


Brain scan even doe their brain is deteriorated from all the porn.


depressing coal because that radio logical scientist will get killed.


just start executing them


>The conclusion that the brain architectures typical of women are also common in men, and vice versa, is consistent with the observation that when total brain size it taken into account, there are only few and mostly small sex/gender differences in MRI-derived brain measures (e.g., Jancke et al., 2015; Sanchis-Segura et al., 2019) and sex/gender category accounts for less than 2% of the variance in human brain structure (Eliot, 2020).


I guess this board has some sort of right to exist the way it does, if only as an antithesis to what's going on in the schools now, but it's not noble the way they go about it.
When disgust, hate, any of these things is mixed in with the attempt to dispense justice then it becomes irrational. Still can't understand why they can't just go after confirmed pedophile troons instead of just troons in general. They're easily enough to distinguish because of how bad the troon-pedophiles Opsec is


I'm reading through this, so far the paper seems to be contradicting itself a lot, but even if transsexual brain theory is wrong then brain-scans is still the best solution. It means that no one will be able to transition cos no one will test positive under the scan

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