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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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>You've correctly identified that there are more than two genders, and I'm willing to capitulate to the idea that the existence of intersex individuals broadens biological sex into a spectrum. However, human endocrinology only permits two hormone profiles. The aforementioned concessions are now no longer a point in your favor; when someone says, "there are only two genders", what they are really saying is there are only two categories of sex characteristics. People who try to present as something in between are always clearly masculine or feminine, but adopt social vanities and fashions that oppose their sex characteristics which is where androgyny comes from. People are either masculine or feminine and these hormone profiles do not permit any categories beyond that. You cannot take hormones to become androgynous. A man who takes estrogen will develop breasts. A woman who takes testosterone will develop facial hair and pattern baldness. An androgynous person is always a man with long hair or a woman with short hair. This is what it means to say "there are only two genders". There is a lot that remains unspoken because it'd be too verbose and the mutual understanding is assumed. It's analogous to your "defund the police" and "all cops are bastards" catchphrases. Few leftists, communists, and anarchists truly believe that police as they are should be completely and permanently abolished from society. The former is a brand for a more involved economic theory involving the redistribution of police resources, and the latter carries an unsaid adage to rotten apples - not all police are bad, but the police who do good are fundamentally complacent with those who do not. See, I can understand you, why can you not understand me?


Holy mother of coal, it looks like a skribbl drawing


why did you save this garbage


File: steroid hormone.jpg 📥︎ (144.55 KB, 1500x1000) ImgOps

Steroid hormones genetically change all your cells into that of the opposite sex tho (we all have male and female genes, there's only a 14 gene overlap between genomes activated by the xx & xy chromosomes. This isn't to say men and women are identical, only that hormones are dominant over chromosomes by selecting whether we develop along the lines of male or female genetics)


Trans people don't give a shit about cells.


why are they always in them then

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