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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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you've messed with us furries, and now where gonna get your little chud site.. heh. you should be aware that us furries are typically in IT, and many of us are l33t haxors XD. get ready


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>you've messed with us furries, and now where gonna get your little chud site.. heh. you should be aware that us furries are typically in IT, and many of us are l33t haxors XD. get ready


oh, you think you're funny tough guy? just you wait


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>>>8354758 (You)
>oh, you think you're funny tough guy? just you wait


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>you've messed with us furries, and now where gonna get your little chud site.. heh. you should be aware that us furries are typically in IT, and many of us are l33t haxors XD. get ready




yeah yeah laugh it up now, BUDDY, but when we've had our way, you'll be AT YOUR KNEES


This is bait btw.


Brother. This is bait.


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>>>8354776 (You)
>yeah yeah laugh it up now, BUDDY, but when we've had our way, you'll be AT YOUR KNEES


do YOU really think you can mess with the furry fandom and get away with it!? you clearly have NO IDEA who you are dealing with.


This is fine but no hekin gore on /soy/.


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>do YOU really think you can mess with the furry fandom and get away with it!? you clearly have NO IDEA who you are dealing with.


heh, typical, you chuds have no defense, the image on the phone is right, you just have to make caricatures because you have nothing else. sad sad little chud man ha ha ha ha


kys obsessed nicaraguan


Gore is damaging to the psyche, whereas that video is SFW


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>>>8354812 (You)
>heh, typical, you chuds have no defense, the image on the phone is right, you just have to make caricatures because you have nothing else. sad sad little chud man ha ha ha h-AAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!




Plottwist, the boykisser finds choking hot and they make out immediately after this


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>>>8354842 (You)
>Plottwist, the boykisser finds choking hot and they make out immediately after this


is that the bulgar?


i wouldn't be surprised if this website got taken down by the morning, oh how id love to drink my coffee and what you all tremble and seethe, ha ha ha ha.


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Hey pal my name is Efen Neff Pedoson, im from venezuela but that doesnt stop me since im a unrelenting nigger that rapes people on internet, you better oil up since im gonna rape your eyesockets in and murder you by flaying your skin with my fingers


terrible coal




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Ignore the baittroons, us furryGODS love the sharty


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Fuck off we don't want your support


Fuck on we do want your support


some of you CUNTS are really starting to piss me off, why cant you guys just speak ENGLISH.


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One of the homosexual moderators of this site that hang out with each other on discord gossiping about their transgender antics all day made this thread geg
This site is absolutely dead and is a playground for these niggers to stir up EZ bait trouble for userbase while they giggle on discord


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tsmt sis


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I was fucking eating




Yeah I’ve definitely noticed a shift in site culture and what threads get moved therefore you’re probably correct


trvthnuke* sorry


No one of these furfags will come. They are too busy to their depraved fetishes


Don't worry. The jannies will get tired of baiting someday.


you wish it was merely bait, you chuds have no clue about the storm that's brewing, i can't wait to see your faces


I am correct pay attention. The real trvke is we should all go outside and leave the niggers to kill themselves. At least coalyma tried to pretend they were real


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so true xis


Shiver me timbers ooo
Man please youre SO BAD AT BAITING


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Bait means nothing to me I just don’t want my threads being moved


atleast sage if you retarded niggers cant keep falling for this brimmmy bait


>o so true oo tsmt
Anthony go back to qa






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>bad at baiting
>top of the board


kys stupod tranny niger your the coal that killed the farty


The trannies are real, but pretty much everything else is bait








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Dead site dead meme kek. Jannies you have nothing and are nothing
Froot isn't your friend and he's also a fucking loser ir




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bleed out






>people who possess carticatures of themselves as humanoid animals making fun of people who make carticatures of themselves and others as bald man with glasses

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