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 5700Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6]

hey trans sisters/brothers/siblings!

reminder that anytime some chud faggot says the typical “YWNBAW” and its derivatives, just hit them back with some unbothered sass and they’ll be speechless!

thanks! :3


This literally never works. Whenever they do this I screenshot it and sent it to people, therefore inciting more hatred for the trans community.


That and I spam more anti tranny stuff




They lie to each other and say they pass too. They're too delusional to be treated as human


its ok teen, TTD is on the rise


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Troons kill themselves far more than non troons kill them


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>>>8104274 (OP)


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cage wabag


geg tranies are soooo cringe


i saw a real photo of some pooners skin sausage and it was actually scary, might be worse than axewounds


that meme of "you just can't comprehend me" and the tranny dodges the slurs like the matrix


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Geg have you tried posting alicia before? The response is always heckin affirming


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Life would be much better if troons didn't care about not being a woman




Yeah, I'm building a collection of the ugliest trannies. Whenever possible I LARP as them and ask if I pass, and they always say yes


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Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


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>I'm not a woman and this is (You)r problem


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https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/8102059.html this subreddit is full of trannies


Self jacking
Autogynephilic behaviour


>im pretty sure im genderflui-
No youre a kid. Go do your homework


jesus fucking christ this looks like it just puts you in constant pain like a neovagina does, how does this make anyone happy? trannies are fucking psychotic


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Spoiled the truthnuke


>mutilate yourself just for muh heckin euphoria
why do trannies do this


dont pooner dicks end up rotting off?


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most just take hrt desu


That messes up there brains doe


im keeping my penis doe
i just wanted nice hips, long hair, and boobs more than anything


Dude your gonna fuck up your brain, and you can achieve that with normal cardio and squats, unless you're a lazy faggot


>get boobs from cardio


Eat and become obese, do squats, and get a mullet you stupid loser.


>gain weight
>lose it
>lose boobs and big ass
not only that but working out will raise my test which i don’t want. i want to look feminine (i know i am not a woman) hence why i take hrt and and keep my penis


yeah just kys already


You can't get boobs unless your fat, but you can be attractive if you just have nice hips, (achievable without fucking up your brain)


Nigger, kys. You arnt homosexual, you just envy women like an incel to the point were you think you will get attention by becoming one. Work out and eat meat and oatmeal if you want attention don't ruin your life


faggot is already on hrt, its too late


nigger, i’m not a homo.
i am voluntarily celibate and just stay at home because i have nothing else to do. if i didnt do this i’d be doing the same thing except without the hrt anyway.


Sad part is, he might've been attractive TO the women he wanted if he just lived healthier and let his body grow, KILL ALL JEWISH GOYIM, GROOMING, AUTISTIC, PEDOPHILE, TRANNYS


Do it without the heat then




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is this bait or is this faggot serious? geg youre gonna start calling yourself a “trans woman” and demanding people call you she/her youre literally allowing your agp fetish to win


Mental retardation


And it makes them infertile


i’m >>5730
not OP


It's bait


isnt that what you guys would prefer though? i’m a failure of a man in every other way, i think it’d be best i dont pass on my genes


yeah i meant you, stop ruining your life youre not gonna look more feminine youll look retarded


Honestly just improve yourself nigga


No. Either don't troon out and pass on your genes, or kys this very second


Post a face xister


You all tell me "We need to work with trannies and prevent them from trooning out"
I say again, such a endeavor is futile


Nigger we don’t expect people to give up if they’re dealt bad cards, that’s on you. Just live a normal life for fucks sake, quit your self-destructive behavior


It's bait. He won't


Quit being a faggot and falling for bait


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just because you think you are a fuckup doesnt mean your hypothetical son or daughter will, procreate before its too late homie


if your last resort is to troon out then just kill yourself


what a disgusting troonfag ACK


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Here ya go xister


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This is cope kek kill all trannies this is just embarassing




>got groomed on troondertale discord award




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>>got groomed on troondertale discord award



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is that fucking real




GEG the amount of cope in that ACK


how heckin feminine!


Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend




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ngl i feel kinda bad for this guy you can tell hes probably having a midlife crisis


midlife crisis is a stretch, he probably just got divorced and needs to find a meaning to his pathetic nigger existence


i never once believed i could BE a woman doe
i wish i was born as a woman but i’m ok with this at least


Shaved award




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>i never once believed i could BE a woman doe
>i wish i was born as a woman but i’m ok with this at least


Don't feel bad


>Fag award o algo


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beautiful, beautiful womxn


>This it is brave


He should've use his money for an antique car collection instead of injecting irreversible chemicals to his brain




He should’ve bought that brand new car, midlife crises are fucking shitty but I think they occur based on how shit you’ve been doing on life.


trve i shouldnt, most trannies are narcissistic sexual deviants and i have no issue bullying them but this guy just seems lost and depressed


>All trannie troons are pedo fags attempting to rape minors


Being trans is a glorified fetish, not a way of life u fucking loser


Pheno check?


Hey Chuds, make sure to tell them that you'll rape and kill them, then rape and kill them.


>Being trans is a glorified fetish, not a way of life u fucking loser



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this will be you in 5 years




>this will be you in 5 years

I'd rather put an end to my fag life than be a nigger troon like that


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The advocacy for transgender rights and how abrasive it has been has effectively dehumanized trannies to me. I don’t like them and I do not want to be near them, they can go dilate anywhere else.


Xir other videos are so gemmy, like the one where xe says xe is a faggot


>The advocacy for transgender rights and how abrasive it has been has effectively dehumanized trannies to me. I don’t like them and I do not want to be near them, they can go dilate anywhere else.



Baited everybody award


i hate this guy, was he also the one in a video where he had breast pumps on him? some chud was spamming it one day


I saw the one where xey have these moob suction things but I couldn't download it


To me, they're so fucking insufferable. Their entire fucking personality is "Hey guys I'm Trans btw" and they buy stuffed fucking sharks and… you get the fucking idea.


>To me, they're so fucking insufferable. Their entire fucking personality is "Hey guys I'm Trans btw" and they buy stuffed fucking sharks and… you get the fucking idea.

then they become furry pedos that get off to 'p


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>Being trans is a glorified fetish, not a way of life u fucking loser


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I own one


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>>>8104815 (You)
>I own one


it disturbs me how much they joke about ruining/ending their bloodline, i feel like its a sexual thing to them as well


I’ve had zero positive interactions with them, I was friends with at least 2 people that trooned out and I saw the red flags as early in the mid-teen years: porn addiction, narcissistic, pretending to be the woman in pornography, and then they would act so pathetic and brittle once they became a xister. It’s like watching something you know that’ll end miserably, but you can’t say anything about it, so you gotta go away and not care. Not caring about it gives you better mileage, honestly, but once I’m out of the zone of not caring, I hate them.


>it disturbs me how much they joke about ruining/ending their bloodline, i feel like its a sexual thing to them as well

they think it's cool and trendy to be troons, like it's some superpower


How did the (you) show up if I didn't post this. I'm going insane.




Nearly baited me award


i had a friend that trooned out and he brags about how he goes into womens bathrooms, i just want to find him and beat the shit out of him


>i had a friend that trooned out and he brags about how he goes into womens bathrooms, i just want to find him and beat the shit out of him

typical pervert troon larper


>i had a friend that trooned out and he brags about how he goes into womens bathrooms
ktim except im a pooner and brag about going piss in the men’s rooms


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My mom is friends with a troon fag and its disturbing seeing the fingernails, if xhey spent this time not playing pretend theyd do something. YWNBAW


not baiting me


>My mom is friends with a troon fag and its disturbing seeing the fingernails, if xhey spent this time not playing pretend theyd do something. YWNBAW

They'd rather spend their energy on larping rather than actually being a productive member of society


can xey even piss like that?




>>My mom is friends with a troon fag and its disturbing seeing the fingernails, if xhey spent this time not playing pretend theyd do something. YWNBAW

>Why would xhey do that? The wanna-be foids would rather blame us as neo nazis for not supporting xheir delusion


what ever happened to that bluefolf nigga anyway


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Got fat, started a fart account
Deleted everything and fucked off


he likes fart porn or something


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>saving tranny pics to your computer


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what i dont understand is how he ever got popular in the first place
he had no talent, like actually none, all he did was post about being a blue gay tranny dog, all his fucking personality was is “guys look im a trans furnigger!!!! see how heckin valid i am???”




Filmed himself eating shit, ruining his life and he’s barely 21 I believe. It’s gonna get worse.


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still active albeit


>IP: Jujuy
zoo wee mama


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Christ won


whitest man alive, da joos made him fat and they fund projects for his downfall or whatever the bait is given




i saw his pre transition photos and he just looked like your average teenager, now i want to punch him anytime i see his disgusting troon face. i hate the way he tilts his head in his selfies


>IP: Nayarit


stalked a tranny award


I don't hate them. I just want them gone


>Not aware of the farms award


nigger, they were plastered all over the op of his kf thread, i dont care that much about him


oh no no no


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His mother was a therapist for autistic children and bluefolf always said he had autism. I feel bad for the dad, I wonder how many days of the week he ponders about committing familicide, and how many days of the week does he ponder forcing his wife to have sex for more children in order to save his bloodline. The moment his son became that thing and ate his shit, you could’ve heard his heart shatter from miles away.




this is a trans positive website, chudcel


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>>>8104922 (You)
>>Not aware of the farms award


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Baited 145 people award


Nobody looks like that


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>this is a trans positive website, chudcel


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EPIC JARTY FAIL!!!!!1!1!11!


Why rape a moron wife? Just find a new girl


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geg i just tsaw this on jewgle


everyone likes the dad more than bluefolf anyway geg, poor fucking bastard


i dont think his mom accepts his faggotry as much as he makes her out to be, nigga loved faking screenshots of their text conversations for some reason


was bluefolf a rape baby?


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like she probably did at first but i doubt she could even pretend to anymore shes definitely got the news her son records himself farting for people on the internet to goon to


maybe you need to stop being a sissy faggot if something like that "disturbs" you


>IP: Salta


Getting it to 100% is my life mission


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I hope. In your opinion, what do (You) see is the end result of that family? Do you think something magical is gonna work out, or is there gonna be tragedy?


nigga who the fuck are you
i dont think theres any fixing the relationship between him and his dad now, hes too far into tranny degeneracy. i think eventually everyone else will get sick of it too


Meds. I've not been to Mexico in my life


Glad the newteens are learning you can't help a troon


my friend is a troon that didn't transition yet and instead plans to start le trad hetero family. He told me that he might go through with it later if it becomes too much to bear for him, but that he is willing to sacrifice his desire of transitioning for a family… (huge maybe)
I am genuinely terrified he will troon out. I don't see an outcome where he lives a normal adult life without his tranny urges catching up and then he'll become a ghoul and ruin his family if he ever even starts one. I genuinely don't see a positive outcome for him unless he genuinely manages to suppress it somehow and not be too miserable about it.
I want him to be happy in life but I'm very worried about his future


imagine the sutures getting undone and the pooner dick splitting apart while xe jacks off




…I think he’s a faggot instead of a troon.


Why does xhe want to troon out? Does xhe watch any type of porn?


if your loved one ever considers trooning out you need to put so much effort into making sure they dont, because once they take hrt, its over and theres no getting that person back.


Equally as disgusting


disgusting mental image you put in my head


what if i recently started finasteride…? i know it’s partially a troon drug but i just wanted to get my hairloss under control


if you dont have any troon urges and its just for hair loss, im sure youre fine


he's bi with a preference for women. Still a feminine fag and he has admitted to me that he has photos of himself crossdressing on his phone
apparently it's a thing he always desired even as a kid. He came out as a tranny to us when he was like 13 and he's 16 now

It doesn't help that he's a huge degen and confessed a lot of weird shit to me.
i heavily disagree

Despite everything, I still love him and care about him. He's not a bad person


I hope you ack retard. Taking any tranny drug is bad


It never even started


hes still young, its not too late for him yet


it only worries me because i know it is a semi-common side effect for men on high doses to develop breasts and ED (which is why i specifically started on the second to lowest dose and started strength training much more)

i wonder what the rate of men who start fin and later troon out is though


Can newteens listen to me for once? Other than porn, chemicals are literally the number one cause of trooning out


do not let him troon out hes still young it will fucking ruin his life if he goes the tranny path


I can only hope so but I also doubt it. I have known him for many years now and I don't think words on le imageboard can truly express all I know about him and how he behaves and stuff.

The weird part is that the literally has a Christian mom and a neo nazi father lmfao


>I heavily disagree because I'm biased towards my degenerate faggot friend
You are yet another fucking retarded newteen and I hope your friend troons out so you learn some basic fucking sense.


>taking any tranny drug is bad
Some women need it or else they could die due to hormonal problems (im not talking about trannies)


kek im bi myself. Huge difference between a straight-passing bisexual or fag and a literal troon


are his parents aware of this? sounds like they need to get involved. idk man but it sounds like your friend got into porn too young, 13 year old boys play video games or something they dont take pictures of themselves fucking cross dressing


>The weird part is that the literally has a Christian mom and a neo nazi father lmfao
this is more common than you think.

trooning is also a form of rebellion in the modern day which is why it’s so dangerous. in the past it was goths, emos, punks, etc. but now what once was a style/subgenre for rebellion is a lifelong commitment where you become infertile for life.

having chud parents is actually WORSE prospects for a potential troon than having soylib parents


bisexuality doesnt exist. you have a significant porn addiction and your “bisexuality” would disappear as soon as you stopped watching pornography.


It could also be der cord grooming


It seems that he is atleast partially aware of that because he wants kids and a family and larps as some trad guy and is willing to sacrifice his borderline fetish desires to get that. Unfortunately his troon desire is still very very strong and it feels more like a bomb waiting to explode when something goes wrong in his life.


GEEEEG YOU LUST FOR MEN'S ANUSES you're a class A retard


That's what we call a necessary evil. People having to take drugs because of genetic conditions doesn't make abusing hormone blockers le good


All the teens in this thread need to be lobotomized


hes not gonna be able to have a family if he renders himself infertile trying to skinwalk as a woman


I like neither vaginas or assholes ackschually sweetie.
nah i don't really watch nor enjoy porn. Going nofap has not had any effect and quite frankly I do not really care. It's also irrelevant to what I am talking about so I will just stop discussing my heckin sexuality or how le space jew niggers made me gay through gay space beam hypnosis


Neither you nor your friend have any hope considering your lifesty


You speak like a troon as well


Hes not convinced that trooning out is a bad idea.
Maybe tell him about the suicide rates or the dick cutting surgery or the dilation. Teach him about autogyneaphilia


That's right go back to the closet faggot. Hope you and your friend die by suicide pact.


lol i luckily pass as straight to the outside world and I'd say I am pretty normal. Again, not here to argue about schizo shit about le fags. I am worried about my friend

newtroon retard it's sharty ironic troon slang


Are you by any chance a Shartyfag as well?


oyoyoy /kalm/ now, fag


>>Not here to argue-ACKKK
You brought it up you self obsessed fag.
>Faggot uses trans slag "ironically"
Sure buddy


fuck, i hope this is bait because i really fucking hate hearing about teenagers already on the pathway to ruining their life because of some stupid gooner trend.




It's not bait. This fucking newteen and his friend are degenerates with such degraded morals they don't care


There is no convincing him. I'd just risk making him suicidal. He is already "educated" on both sides of being a tranny. He's aware of the really ugly stuff. Although he is deluded enough to think tranny neo vaginas are the same as the real thing.

He also hates pooners for some reason


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i unironically wish i was a woman but i’ll never do anything about it and i’ll never tell another living soul


yeah well hes for sure going to fucking kill himself if he troons out


>I'm actually bi
Got turned on by cado award


okay fair i did bring it up but it made sense in the context. Also yes I do use tranny slang ironically and will continue to do so as long as it generates seethe
take the chill pill, fag


>Educated but things neovaginas are real
As I said, you and your friend are hopelessly retarded




He is a retard beyond salvation
Stay as far away from him as you can
He will go down and he will bring everyone with him
Staying in contact with him is like standing in front of a truck barrelling down the road


Nobody in this thread is white


My friend clearly has some delusions and is blinded by his deep desire to roleplay as a woman, sadly. He's still aware it'd have a lot of negative effects o algo


actually fuck it, its too late for him. you said he came out as a troon at 13 and hes 16 now. nigger is groomed beyond repair and I recommend you leave him too since you seem to be caught up in some queer bullshit yourself and youll eventually troon out as well


>Take a heckin shill pill
You're an attention whore right? Than can you do me a little favor and Livestream your inevitable ACKing?


You're talking to a retard as well


I've seen so much weird tranny shit on the internet and still no desire to roleplay as a woman so I'm good. My friend never used the internet much by the way. He didn't have discord or anything. We're not from America where le wholesum tranny shit is promoted

It gives me semi-hope that he wants to start a normal family and it seems like a big goal of his. Who knows


he’s clearly far too online for his age already. imagine being on the sharty at 16 years old. nigger is likely fucked for life


The bisexual is equally as fucked


maybe not NOW, but with how openly you talk about being bisexual it doesnt seem too far off


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>You're an attention whore right? Than can you do me a little favor and Livestream your inevitable ACKing?


that’s what i mean. the bisexual one is on here at 16 and has likely been on here at least a bit before than as well. lil bro is cooked fr


He's fucked. If you had any sense you'd know


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>You're an attention whore right? Than can you do me a little favor and Livestream your inevitable ACKing?


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Bet your a fag as well. Wish you nothing but a painful ACK


Lol I turned 18 recently actually. My friend is the 16yo.

Having your life le ruined by le imageboards is a meme. I was weird as shit at 12-15 due to being terminally online but I literally just grew out of it. I don't even engage with this shithole anymore despite using it for over 2 years. You faggots need to learn to adapt to living in the real world or something instead of getting mental damage from a fucking imageboard or whatever.
doing fine thoughbeit


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>Bet your a fag as well. Wish you nothing but a painful ACK


post 'cado to derail this tranny thread


>Terminally online at 12
>Friends with troons
>"I'm doing just fine"


Don't do this, the faggot would goon to it


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>>Bet your a fag as well. Wish you nothing but a painful ACK


>Having your life le ruined by le imageboards is a meme. I was weird as shit at 12-15 due to being terminally online but I literally just grew out of it
nigger it took me years to undo the damage done by going on /b/ at 12 years old back in 2013.
i unironically had to seek professional help because my porn addiction was my entire life until i was 19 years old and even then i’m just now getting to some semblance of normalcy at 23


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blud is NOT frisk


Well, I'd say I'm at a decent position in life at the moment. I don't care about what I was like as a retarded kid geg. None of my traits really have any effect on my daily life or aspirations whatsoever so I simply do not care much.

Also you're acting like the average sharty user is not a terminally online faggot that has been on imageboards since age 13 lol. Unless this place truly is now overrun by unfunny tiktok tourists (this might be the case.)



romantization of abuse




You use TikTok, just like your degenerate friend. Also what do you mean it has no effect? You were so obsessed you couldn't help but blurt it out of nowhere because you're so messed up



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cute femboy :3


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I'm sorry for you in that case. I used to consume pretty fucked up shit as a little kid but I simply just snapped out of it without developing any addiction. It probably helped that I eventually found a friend group that forced me out of the house.

Actually can you tell me how you developed a porn addiction due to /b/ because I always just knew to filter out all the sissy hypno propaganda garbage. I also did not use discord so maybe that helped


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>No effect on me
>Gooned to /b/


is another tranny thread that was bait to cord derailers


>Heckin adapt to the real world
If you hate this site so much why do you use it? We all want you gone


I am not some goonclown esque freak now and i fap like twice a week so I think that the effects were quite minimal in the long run.
I never used /b/ to fap anyway. It was curiosity. I quickly moved to boards catering to my autistic interests like videogames and fitness (the latter actually helped me a lot)


I never said I hate it. I've probably been on here longer than you. I just do not hold some autistic sentimental value to a fucking soyjak website.
Whether you want me here or not is pretty irrelevant because in a few hours, you will forget this interaction and you definitely won't be able to tell I am the random bi fag on da shaaarttyyyy lol. We probably raid the same people sometimes and I don't really give a shit that you le hate da fags or whatever.


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sage this up chuddies


I'm sorry, you mistook me for someone who cares.


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>>>8105350 (You)
>I never said I hate it. I've probably been on here longer than you. I just do not hold some autistic sentimental value to a fucking soyjak website.
>Whether you want me here or not is pretty irrelevant because in a few hours, you will forget this interaction and you definitely won't be able to tell I am the random bi fag on da shaaarttyyyy lol. We probably raid the same people sometimes and I don't really give a shit that you le hate da fags or whatever.


Gated Discord nigger


GEEEG TRANNIES ARE REALLY JUST CHILDREN!!!! "I know you are but what am I" ahh responses


le soysphere face


>You VILL raid with me
No Jewish faggot. I won't. And I won't forget. I'll look for your distinctive faggot typing style so I can remind you to fuck off


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thread had a good conversation due to how bad the bait was and then it got derailed harder than the average train in Mumbai


report this nigger derailer


i derailed this thread ama


Do you support bisexuality



I created this thread, AMA


Kek too bad I am changing it after this thread just to spite you. Have fun yelling at the air, chuddy. Will be gemmy if I can catch you sperging out in some random 'teen's thread

Also when did you start using the sharty because you scream late 2023


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>Also when did you start using the sharty because you scream late 2023


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>>>8105493 (You)


Niggers really say this


>I'm changing it to heckin spite you
Obsessed faggot makes me GEEEG.


Niggers are really gonna start calling themselves oldCHADs again GEG


That faggot probably joined early 2023 and it getting bored of the site so xhe's sperging out


Even though you are the one pledging to be on a special autistic lookout for me from now on for something you will never even notice geg


Early 2022 newGOD here thoughbeit and the site is still small enough to the point where I can tell someone is a newer newGOD that wasnt even here a few months ago
I still sometimes enjoy this site but i do admit it has lost alot of its charm for me over the past year due to underages finding it from tiktok and similar places. Everybody knows it. Luckily I just simply do not really care much. I am not autistic enough to sperg out over my heckin soyjak safespace being overrun by kids. I do feel for any terminally online 'teens out there though


>I'm changing my typing style
>Doesn't change it
Just as I said. Degeneracy degrades the brain


>Says I'm late 2023
>Says I've only been here a few months
This oldfág larper can't get xher stories straight….


I said after the thread thoughbeit, fag


Then leave. If you're so superior to all us non degenerates then leave.


Even dumber


Like 8 months isn't exactly alot, chuddie. Seems like you're trying too hard to own me because of your toddler rage episode geg. You should try contributing to the site instead, newGOD


If you are a real oldnigger, tell me when Doll was first mentioned on the sharty


>Early 2022 newGOD here thoughbeit and the site is still small enough to the point where I can tell someone is a newer newGOD that wasnt even here a few months ago
>I still sometimes enjoy this site but i do admit it has lost alot of its charm for me over the past year due to underages finding it from tiktok and similar places. Everybody knows it. Luckily I just simply do not really care much. I am not autistic enough to sperg out over my heckin soyjak safespace being overrun by kids. I do feel for any terminally online 'teens out there though
HOLY LARP. Nobody found this site from TikTok


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>I don't care about this site
>You VILL contribute


Late 2023 began 12 months ago. You seriously get dumber every post


Xhe will probably check the iki if it's on there


I dont remember doll lore whatsoever (He was a mod during Pedo iirc??) but I was here for Twitch raid golden days in summer 2022 and for the dox of that tranny nypd cop that does those hilarious new frootist order tranny fetish photos.
The Twitch jackbox thread template i put together in 2022 is still copied & pasted today for raid threads geg.
Dont know how I could prove that I am an oldgod except maybe filenames of 'jaks I have saved or screenshots of the sharty from that time. Not that it matters whatsoever geg


Just gonna drop this here: >>8105720


Clueless faggot award. I continue to get sharty profiles on my FYP that directly link the site and they get thousands of likes and are filled with troons and LARPers using sharty lingo lmfao


Trvth fucking nvke


>Faggot admits xhe uses TikTok
This gets better and better


In other words, you've giving proof that you were here for kuuz era at most.


nooky man won


pics or it didn't happen


Prove you made the Twitch raid template


Not even proof actually, a lot of things can be picked up on just by listening to other faggots speak about le past


I mean more like september to december lol. It's when I noticed a very steep decline in quality. Although IT might be bias


Aka 2023, aka exactly when I said xhe joined


YAP YAP YAP Nooky Man won shut up YNBAW all of you


Is not endorsing faggotry considered a decline in quality?


Yes which is 2022 like Ive been saying the whole time lol. I joined right after soot sold the site


Here is actually a really easy way to prove you're an oldnigger. If you have an old account on the 'ki, with an edit that begins in early 2022, and you post on it and link to it ITT saying shit like ">>38284478473 here I hate niggers", you are a certified oldCHAD


It's funny you mention that because I didn't ask.


im back, what are we fighting about now


It rather seems like you are having a sperg out session over me merely mentioning im Bi unless you think I am a jewish Space Wizard that can send beams to every sharty user that I am bi geg


>It's easy to prove your an oldnigger. Just namefag


Early 2022 wasn't when soot sold the site. Even on the 'ki it mentions how he sold it in the summer. If you're going to LARP as a hecking oldnigger to own le bigots, at least check the 'ki


If you're trying to make people "respect" you for something that can't easily be gauged by the content of your posts, and that isn't even that relevant in the first place, like how long you've been using this shitty site, yes, you might need to act like a faggot and namefag, you're already halfway to doing it


I do vividly remember Pedo already being an admin in like May 2022. I was under the impression he sold it in like March.


Not autistic so I can't sperg out. I'm just genuinely disgusted that a freak like yourself uses this site.
>Keeps mentioning the Jews and mocking conspiracies involving them
So stunning and brave


>my hecking memories were wrong
You still haven't proven anything and you look like you're digging yourself into a corner. Come on, prove me wrong.


Xhe is too retarded to check the iki because xhe is too busy destroying xheir gray matter


Gemmy chuddie seethe either way. Thank you, fag.


And now the "oldchad" supports namefaggots


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>Oh crap. They called out my bluff. Time to act superior so I can pretend I'm winning


Also the lack of self awareness required for you to call me a fag….


Holy shit, this thread just keeps getting better and better. Xe can't even act out a persona consistently before deciding to scrap everything and do something else instead. Oldnigger one moment? Well, actually xe's a based newGOD the next making fun of said "oldniggers"!


Stop fucking making fun of me you retarded transphobic bigot


wait is the bi faggot still in this thread?


You're not me


person above is TROON BAIT. you WILL NOT interact with them further. you WILL sage every reply to this post, and copy this message forward.




Double gate


Geeeg we made the faggot run away


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And you're not me either




Can you guys just…stop? Like, stop pretending to be me pretending to be me getting angry at others pretending to be me? Like, seriously guys?


Bad impersonation you wish you were me


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Dude you have no idea how hard this makes my bisexual twinkhon ass


You guys are really autistic, I'll give you that


And you still wish you were me, just like how you wish you were a real woman


This entire board is autistic


You guys gave me shit about "not keeping the facts straight" but now say shit like this when trying to impersonate me?


doctos doctos doctos







>Gay shithead thinks he knows anything about keeping things straight


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hey, fag. I have the faggot word pass and stuff. I can use it, yknow.

do i really have to start posting filenames and screenshots now geg

the second pic is a stealth edit i made to bait in a 4cuck /v/ thread, for context


>Created in 2023
>Modified in 2022
Um, xister, what the fuck?


You don't fucking know how Windows handles file edits? That means, for a fag like me, I'm somehow smarter than you in that regard. Funny how that works, retard


GEEEEG I REALLY MADE THIS TROON SEETHE. Also there's no word pass. I can call you a faggot all I want


File: 500px-30134_-_SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (31.21 KB, 500x697) ImgOps

>You don't fucking know how Windows handles file edits? That means, for a fag like me, I'm somehow smarter than you in that regard. Funny how that works, retard


Meant for >>6051


Took 50 years to edit awar


Cope, seethe, and DILATE


Was this before or after you trooned out?




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I am slightly giggling at how much you are seething and it is because of you that I am losing sleep right now. Thanks. either way, I will continue to be here.

Seriously though, your reading comprehension is that of an actual nigger, not being able to comprehend the most basic sarcasm and being some autistic serioustroon, which screams to me that you actually are just a newGOD. I surely do not remember someone so autistic. Can you prove you're not new?

anyway, another one of my edits. Sadly cant seem to find anything exactly from early/mid 2022 but i cant be bothered anyway. Most of my saved 'jaks are "created" on the same day (jan 1, may 5…). I probably moved them to a different folder??? I don't know how this jewish shit works


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>>>8105935 (You)


you're not me doe, chuddie


Stop fucking impersonating me


>chuddie is so assblasted xe has to LARP as me


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>I am slightly giggling at how much you are seething and it is because of you that I am losing sleep right now. Thanks. either way, I will continue to be here.

>Seriously though, your reading comprehension is that of an actual nigger, not being able to comprehend the most basic sarcasm and being some autistic serioustroon, which screams to me that you actually are just a newGOD. I surely do not remember someone so autistic. Can you prove you're not new?

>anyway, another one of my edits. Sadly cant seem to find anything exactly from early/mid 2022 but i cant be bothered anyway. Most of my saved 'jaks are "created" on the same day (jan 1, may 5…). I probably moved them to a different folder??? I don't know how this jewish shit works


>I'm so much heckin smarter at tech than you
>I don't know how this Jewish shit works
This faggot still can't keep his story straight


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Soyduel, impersonate, and slander me all you want. You still can't change the fact that you're a newnigger


>accuses me of editing my shit
>edits xir shit anyways to impersonate me


Calling yourself out won't make anyone think you're less of a retard


Tranny is so mindbroken he keeps baselessly calling me a newfág (even doe he proved he was larping)


That's an impersonator, not the real me


You're right, but you're still not me either. How fucking obsessed do you have to be? Anyways, I am fucking enjoying this thread. Maybe I will spend more time on the sharty after all…


I am beginning to think you're either genuinely schizophrenic or 14 years old lol. Trying to le own me by finding literal non existant "contradictions", newGOD


Stop fucking impersonating me


^^^^^all present users in this thread are creating the loudest, stinkiest, lung intoxicating, neuronal killing, LGBTQ+ enabled braps to ever be recorded in the history of the universe


hey sweetie just letting you know that your impersonation of me is causing me really really serious dysphoria :/… just yikes…. yikes. Do better !


Then stop acting like an obsessed faggot. You're now the one who keeps resorting to saying the same repitive bullshit trying to "own" me, when you were just before complaining about how I was calling you a newnigger or some shit


holy ESL


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>You're right, but you're still not me either. How fucking obsessed do you have to be? Anyways, I am fucking enjoying this thread. Maybe I will spend more time on the sharty after all…


Yet another baseless accusation


i thought i was a newGOD here for starting to post here around August 2022


And that's why you're better than this selfish tranny


>goo goo ga ga you’re a babynigger!!!!


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actual real deal Bifag here before I head to sleep.

I am glad I managed to derail this thread so much merely by mentioning I am bisexual, which was not even very related to the story I tried to present here. Glad it made a /pol/troon esl schitzo lose xer mind so hard geg. Xe will from now on live in a state of paranoia, looking for me on da sharty, while calling me a tranny in xer head. It's so heckin poetic or something along those lines.


stop impersonating me you fucking pozzed kike tranny bitch


Go to bed stop harassing brown schizoids


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>Maybe if I act smug they'll think I won


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not me award


Quit LARPING. You literally said you would change your typing style just to hide from me, which is a bigger GEG than I could hope for.


okay fine
stop spamming the same soy you got from the booru nigga
I more thought about doing it to spite you, so you'd look for literal imaginary le trooooooonssssssssss on the sharty. Obviously it's a waste of time to change my typing style because it's definitely not recognizable enough anyway… except if you are extra autistic geg
I kinda wanna see you sperg out in some totally random thread. It'd be really funny so keep your word on looking for me, please nigga. I want some schizo brown fag to be extra obsessed with me on the soy woahjahck site


STOP fucking larping as me you fucking dumb kike tranny bitch. Trying to act smug about it too. ACK asap you tranny faggot


all posts itt were made by me btw


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>okay fine
>>>8106045 (You)
>stop spamming the same soy you got from the booru nigga
>>>8106051 (You)
>I more thought about doing it to spite you, so you'd look for literal imaginary le trooooooonssssssssss on the sharty. Obviously it's a waste of time to change my typing style because it's definitely not recognizable enough anyway… except if you are extra autistic geg
>I kinda wanna see you sperg out in some totally random thread. It'd be really funny so keep your word on looking for me, please nigga. I want some schizo brown fag to be extra obsessed with me on the soy woahjahck site


>Schizo brown fag
I'm whiter than you degenerate


How is it imaginary if you're literally a troon?


Certified mutt post geg


How does me being white make me a mutt again?


send b w c


Tranny logic


Projecting because i literally am not one thoughbeit. I am an aryan white bisexual male. Pure prussian ancestry


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>I want to see the cock of what's presumably a minor


You type like a brown person that just discovered /pol/ and nazi tranny LARP discords at the ripe age of 14 so it's all the same to me


shitty bait thread has almost 400 responses, a sad day for the sharty


NewGODS never learn and never will learn to ignore bait sadly


>I'm a bisexual Aryan SAAAR just like white maen saaar


You'd know a thing about Discord faggot


Okay back to tiktok/twitter/your favorite discord server. Actual gen alpha brownoid trad larp slang geg


>Someone getting baited means the Sharty is ending even doe that's happened since the Sharty's inception
Are you a gay newfág as well?



Spanish brown troon… Or?


Tranny's so mindbroken xhe can't even decide where I'm from anymore


Taking everything so seriously is a sign of autism, yknow. You strike me as being in the same rough category as actual trannies geg


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>Using the mobile keyboard to evade word filters means you're brown


Yet another baseless accusation. Watching this tranny cope is starting to actually get funny. I knew this would eventually pay off.






Using caps and posting a heckin laughing pepe doesnt hide the fact that you are absolutely sweating and furiously typing behind your keyboard right now, brown faggot geg


stop bumping this shitty thread retards


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GEG Frogsisises what is this..


Why did you dig up some random brown Bi faggot from /int/ lmfao. No xe doesnt type the same as me. Seems like you are seething hard to grasp at literal straws




>Sweating on keyboard even doe I already said I'm on mobile




bvmping this gem


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>>>8106188 (You)
>Using caps and posting a heckin laughing pepe doesnt hide the fact that you are absolutely sweating and furiously typing behind your keyboard right now, brown faggot geg


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>actual real deal Bifag here before I head to sleep.

>I am glad I managed to derail this thread so much merely by mentioning I am bisexual, which was not even very related to the story I tried to present here. Glad it made a /pol/troon esl schitzo lose xer mind so hard geg. Xe will from now on live in a state of paranoia, looking for me on da sharty, while calling me a tranny in xer head. It's so heckin poetic or something along those lines.


you even said you’re a thirdie earlier GEG


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>You're so obsessed with the internet
Teens looks like we found xher


Good fucking lord you do actually type like you're a 14 year old tryhard. It's been consistent this entire thread. You take everything seriously, try finding literal nonsensical contradictions in what I say and so on. It's funny that you got so worked up and wasted hours arguing about a literal nothingburger, but I do feel bad for arguing with a literal toddler. I mean this sincerely. Not in some heckin gotcha way. You do not speak like you're old enough to be here unless you have genuine autism


File: FoAEZo2aQAAZwkk.png 📥︎ (17.13 KB, 427x400) ImgOps

>>>8106194 (You)
>Good fucking lord you do actually type like you're a 14 year old tryhard. It's been consistent this entire thread. You take everything seriously, try finding literal nonsensical contradictions in what I say and so on. It's funny that you got so worked up and wasted hours arguing about a literal nothingburger, but I do feel bad for arguing with a literal toddler. I mean this sincerely. Not in some heckin gotcha way. You do not speak like you're old enough to be here unless you have genuine autism


More redditspeak


??? When
Is this the tenth case of you not being able to read geg


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>actual real deal Bifag here before I head to sleep.

>I am glad I managed to derail this thread so much merely by mentioning I am bisexual, which was not even very related to the story I tried to present here. Glad it made a /pol/troon esl schitzo lose xer mind so hard geg. Xe will from now on live in a state of paranoia, looking for me on da sharty, while calling me a tranny in xer head. It's so heckin poetic or something along those lines.


Notice how whenever xhe isn't keking like a 4channer xhe does a lil "geg" in lowercase like xhe is trying to LARP as a cute n valid transgirl


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this u nigga?


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>Notice how whenever xhe isn't keking like a 4channer xhe does a lil "geg" in lowercase like xhe is trying to LARP as a cute n valid transgirl


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>>Notice how whenever xhe isn't keking like a 4channer xhe does a lil "geg" in lowercase like xhe is trying to LARP as a cute n valid transgirl


File: GLOUY8eXEAEMo_f.jpeg 📥︎ (173.67 KB, 1401x1458) ImgOps

>>>Notice how whenever xhe isn't keking like a 4channer xhe does a lil "geg" in lowercase like xhe is trying to LARP as a cute n valid transgirl


>Mutt xister thinks everything outside of xer jewish shithole is third world
I prefer being white in Europe. Thanks.


File: total gem death.png 📥︎ (253.61 KB, 796x597) ImgOps

Be quiet gem poster. You sound like a seething gem poster. Quoted. Coal in the thread. Brimstone power. Vantablack race. TGD. Antimatter for the Niggerhell. Nas coal will claim every GET #AllowVPNonsoyjakparty. I soyduel and sage gem. I bump and repost coal. I derail gemmy threads with johnsons, lag inducing text and high effort bait.

Stfu. Seething gem poster

Any coalGOD here derail this gemmy thread afsafp


35 minute ago
>I'm going to sleep
7 minutes ago
>Is this the tenth case of you not being able to read geg
No life award


Thanks for not denying you are 14
Also, ESL fail geg


>erm that bisexual non-American from a chud country (aka not EU or North America/South America) who types exactly like me is NOT me you schizo



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>Thanks for not denying you're 14
I'm not the one using irl teenage slang like "tryhard" so there's no need


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>>Mutt xister thinks everything outside of xer jewish shithole is third world
>I prefer being white in Europe. Thanks.


>Not having tranny shit at every corner is le chud country
Fuck, you mutts are retarded. Half of europe doesnt have that and i wouldnt say it's third world nor chuddy


Why do you have this tranny shit saved lol im not a troon either way


>Everyone I don't like is a mutt


it’s not 2016 anymore homoteen
the only european chud countries are russia and belarus anymore, and their zoomies are by no means chuddy. also russians would never claim to be white

you are Bangladeshi


Nuke the entire fucking Indian subcontinent, they're incontinent, incompetent, and subhuman to boot.


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>I'm not a troon


Well, where are you from to be so retarded and ignorant about what places are pozzed and which arent? I luckily am from Europe but not exactly some pozzed central. Doesnt mean it's chuddy like in your epic fash larp fantasies geeeeeg


You're jaking. Xhe actually looks like that and you're jaking


ISP black hole the entirety of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal


This nigger still doesn't know GEG


I like manly muscular men and hot feminine big tit women though. The woman part probably beats whatever degen shit you're into, fag.


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>Being gay is less gay than being straight


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>>>8106343 (You)
>I like manly muscular men and hot feminine big tit women though. The woman part probably beats whatever degen shit you're into, fag.


>It's not 2016
?????? What does this mean geglmfao my country doesnt push tranny shit en masse but it's also not some third world shithole like Russia


Holy faggotry HAHAHHA


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>>It's not 2016
>?????? What does this mean geglmfao my country doesnt push tranny shit en masse but it's also not some third world shithole like Russia


I mean, in practise, I pretty much am straight. Tell me what your favorite type of women is. It better not be tranime little girls, nigger. You do seem kinda faggy to me based on the femboy shit you keep trying to project onto me


What's funny is that if xhe saw me on the street xhe would probably want me to fuck xhem in the ass. Of course, give it the chance I would kill her instead.


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>I mean, in practise, I pretty much am straight. Tell me what your favorite type of women is. It better not be tranime little girls, nigger. You do seem kinda faggy to me based on the femboy shit you keep trying to project onto me


LMAOOOO you wouldnt do shit you little sissy faggot. You're either underweight or obese and spend your entire day on the sharty and larp sites to cry about fags and muslims. Also dont project your porn addiction and view of women onto me


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>bait so potent it reaches 500 replies
holy shit you niggas will trip on a garden rake until you die of a brain hemorrhage if nobody removes it in time


If the shoe fits, chuddie. Are you implying you're not acting like an autistic faggot? You do remind me of literal trannies


>WAAAH waaah you spend all day on the Sharty
You said you were going to bed 52 minutes ago GEEEEEG


It’s because some people kept mimicking other people in the thread and that’s how it turned into this shitshow


>If the shoe fits
Sorry for your autism


For fuck's sake, I'm not autistic


You are a pajeet though


>Everything I don't like is bait


Sadly it would appear that this thread is an exception for me. It's a retarded online argument. Of course i wanna see it through till the end even if it means nothing in the grand scheme of things and we both know it.
But hell, I do atleast have the excuse of having a decent life and routine outside of wasting away on imageboards (which I kinda did when I was younger. I was also kind of autistic like you, so i Guess you might grow out of it eventually)
What exactly do you do outside of the sharty that negates this degen behavior?


<"e-erm… g-guess what I have to say to that, CHUDDY? I don't care! haha yeah, take tha-ACKACKACKACK"


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>Sadly it would appear that this thread is an exception for me. It's a retarded online argument. Of course i wanna see it through till the end even if it means nothing in the grand scheme of things and we both know it.
>But hell, I do atleast have the excuse of having a decent life and routine outside of wasting away on imageboards (which I kinda did when I was younger. I was also kind of autistic like you, so i Guess you might grow out of it eventually)
>What exactly do you do outside of the sharty that negates this degen behavior?


>Don't be so serious about bald man imageboard
>Stays up over an hour arguing on said imageboard
A common side effect of autism is tunnel vision, or a hyper fixation on a given task.


Truly an insult worse than being called a faggot. Thank you. Luckily i am not but i am also not autistic enough to post photos of my skin to win a sharty argument so i guess you win that one, chuddie


Why do you bring up your personal life every two seconds? It reeks of insecurity, which makes me GEG more


No but you are autistic enough to literally lose sleep over a Sharty argument




Because I worship a retarded sandnigger pedophile and think xe is the greatest human being who ever lived


But enough about you. I'm a Christian myself, but you're a muzziefag


Christ wouldn't approve of you being a faggot


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>Gay Mudslime
The geg gets better and better


And he wouldn't either of you. Though personally I think considering the fact that your pastors in the West seems to transheart faggotry so much, I don't think Jesus considers it a problem, or at least your society does


Does this seem like a serious argument to you? Geg i am pointing out that you respond to everything like a seething faggot, incapable of understanding banter or sarcasm. That is THE sign of autism. A normal 'teen would soyquote me. You instead sperg out like a discord /pol/troon for hours on end about imaginary trannies and muh bisexuals. You're the worst kind of a faggot going against everything what even made this site entertaining.


Fuck, meant for >>6186


Yeah that is kinda fair… Oh well


Why are you trying to derail my arguments so…sloppily?


most of this site’s userbase nowadays has a nigger tier IQ


>Stays up because of xher religion (even doe two seconds ago xhe said xhe was staying up to argue)
>Is a fag
>Mocks Jesus/Muhammad
Like I said, being a degenerate destroys grey matter


>You heckin ruined the site for us trannies


Never goon


You didn't refute the image, so we know now you're the bisexual Bangladeshi from 4chan


So, is this now a pajeet hate thread?


Nigger we proved xhe was a 4chan poster. That's a lot of effort for some bait.


please stop bumping this shitty bait thread
It isn't even good bait


This is the bisexual pajeet hate thread yes.




Bangladesh has its internet out because of widespread riots this week. Over 200 dead so far, United States put Bangladesh on the Do Not Travel list as a result.


Faggots like you will never understand why this site was actually funny. It's not a site for your autistic unironic boring politicoal rambling. It's for making fun of soy people. Trannies included. You do not actually care about this. You just want the sharty to be a shitty offshoot of your favorite LARP discord servers. It's a lighthearted site.


dead site albeit


This is a thread where we bait a gegBVLL, yes


Fuck, why did I have to put in some reddit spacing? Now everybody will know I use lemmy :(


You fucking faggots will make the shittiest most unfunny jokes and then wonder why nobody talks to you IRL. I am so fucking sick of seeing you people online, the only redeeming factor to your existing is the fact that you don't shit up the offline world as well. Neck yourself, for the love of God


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>>>8106541 (You)

>Faggots like you will never understand why this site was actually funny. It's not a site for your autistic unironic boring politicoal rambling. It's for making fun of soy people. Trannies included. You do not actually care about this. You just want the sharty to be a shitty offshoot of your favorite LARP discord servers. It's a lighthearted site.


Good morning saar


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>You fucking faggots will make the shittiest most unfunny jokes and then wonder why nobody talks to you IRL. I am so fucking sick of seeing you people online, the only redeeming factor to your existing is the fact that you don't shit up the offline world as well. Neck yourself, for the love of God


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Okay tired of being called an actual fucking pajeet so here's my hand


You are a soy person


Lmao xe's so insecure, post timestamp and record it btw, hecking AI now exists


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>Luckily i am not but i am also not autistic enough to post photos of my skin to win a sharty argument so i guess you win that one, chuddie


This is so gemmy. The LGBTQ is so fucking retarded


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Im not playing Simon says with you thoughbeit.
Being called a pajeet truly is a fate worse than death though


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>seething 'cucker itt


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>This is so gemmy. The LGBTQ is so fucking retarded


You look like a gook

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