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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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Hello Niggers, Jannie here.

I think anime sucks and it's for weirdos and incels. My pronouns are they/them.
I can see all of your IPs and I can see all of you are third world phoneposters. And that is why I refuse to moderate this board and let it go to shit. Since I have to spoonfeed all of you 3rd world piss drinkers, I will spell out the new rules below

>You WILL enjoy the bait threads

>You WILL make them hit bump limit
>You WILL not complain
>You WILL continue to use the board

And that's it.
If any of you niggers is seen crying and seething in the replies of this thread, They will be publicly executed. Reporting this thread won't work, no one on 4chan has the power to publicly execute and humiliate me. Cope


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>Hello Niggers, Jannie here.

>I think anime sucks and it's for weirdos and incels. My pronouns are they/them.

>I can see all of your IPs and I can see all of you are third world phoneposters. And that is why I refuse to moderate this board and let it go to shit. Since I have to spoonfeed all of you 3rd world piss drinkers, I will spell out the new rules below
>>You WILL enjoy the bait threads
>>You WILL make them hit bump limit
>>You WILL not complain
>>You WILL continue to use the board
>And that's it.
>If any of you niggers is seen crying and seething in the replies of this thread, They will be publicly executed. Reporting this thread won't work, no one on 4chan has the power to publicly execute and humiliate me. Cope


aftershitty thread mods delete this


Dont ban cados or porn they get lots of pph


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>>Hello Niggers, Jannie here.

>>I think anime sucks and it's for weirdos and incels. My pronouns are they/them.

>>I can see all of your IPs and I can see all of you are third world phoneposters. And that is why I refuse to moderate this board and let it go to shit. Since I have to spoonfeed all of you 3rd world piss drinkers, I will spell out the new rules below
>>>You WILL enjoy the bait threads
>>>You WILL make them hit bump limit
>>>You WILL not complain
>>>You WILL continue to use the board
>>And that's it.
>>If any of you niggers is seen crying and seething in the replies of this thread, They will be publicly executed. Reporting this thread won't work, no one on 4chan has the power to publicly execute and humiliate me. Cope


Ty janjan.


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>Hello Niggers, Jannie here.
>I think anime sucks and it's for weirdos and incels. My pronouns are they/them.
>I can see all of your IPs and I can see all of you are third world phoneposters. And that is why I refuse to moderate this board and let it go to shit. Since I have to spoonfeed all of you 3rd world piss drinkers, I will spell out the new rules below
>>You WILL enjoy the bait threads
>>You WILL make them hit bump limit
>>You WILL not complain
>>You WILL continue to use the board
>And that's it.
>If any of you niggers is seen crying and seething in the replies of this thread, They will be publicly executed. Reporting this thread won't work, no one on 4chan has the power to publicly execute and humiliate me. Cope


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