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trans. fucking. rights.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)




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>trans. fucking. rights.


trans wrights won



even though some of them are cute…heh


You are ugly. You’re too tall to pass. No self respecting man will ever date you. You will never be a woman. Cis women will always be scared of you. You are a disgusting tranny. You will never make it. You will die alone. You should just kill yourself. Nobody will ever find you attractive. Your family and friends are lying to you if they say they think you’re a girl. FFS cant even save you. Your voice is horrible. Everybody thinks youre a freak. You will NEVER BE A WOMAN. Your face is lopsided and gross. Your body is all fucked up. You’re a 6 foot tall monster. You are lying to yourself if you think you can pass. It was over before it even began. You are a friendless loser. You are not a [tranny name]. You are an embarrassment. You are a deformed ogre. You are just a faggot. Nobody ever thinks you’re a girl. You will never date a straight man. ITS OVER. Nobody will ever take you seriously as a woman. You are a joke. No amount of hrt will ever make you pass. You will never get the life you want. You will never have a husband, and even if you luck out and find a man with the lowest standards ever, you will look absolutely revolting and disgusting in a wedding dress you gigahon. You are too big to pass. You scare women. No man will ever pursue you. You should just kys. It will never get better for you. You will regret ever living this shit life. You are a freak. You should never have transitioned. You were too ugly and manly to ever make it as a woman. The only thing hrt ever did for you was delay your suicide. Nobody ever actually likes you. You have no redeeming qualities. You are a hon. You were so stupid for thinking you ever had a chance at making it as a tranny. You are permanently deformed from testosterone poisoning. Your feet are as big as Michael Jordans and you want to be a woman LMFAO. Mom was right, you are not a [tranny name]. YOU WILL NEVER PASS. CIS WOMEN WILL NEVER SEE YOU AS A WOMAN, EVER. Your skeleton is TOO MASCULINE.


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onionscuck meltdown lmao


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>>>7517360 (You)
>onionscuck meltdown lmao


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>>>>7517360 (You)
>>onionscuck meltdown lmao


In about 19 hours this b8 thread will be slid but trannies will be depresso and not having a good time


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>>>>>7517360 (You)
>>>onionscuck meltdown lmao


baited somebody award


bumping bait award


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ooh yeah oeowow yeah eyeah oooohh yea yea tran.s rights yea oo yea oo hoo oo eeyea yea tra.s rights


oh my based modsgods etcetc


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no arrow


Can anybody post the "Fun facts about the lgbt community" document?


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Just rewatched the philippines vacation videos plap plap plap plap


Why can’t jannies always do this


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