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File: 54840 - SoyBooru.gif 📥︎ (2.28 MB, 446x508) ImgOps

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (557.59 KB, 1155x1478) ImgOps


Being a bottom is a pain in the ass (pun intended)
I clean my ass with a douching kit then take a shower then immediately have to take a shit right after so I have to start all over again then after that I have to loosen up but my bottle of lube is being retarded and won't squirt properly then after that I have to either take my dildo or buttplug and painfully do the first insertion then after all is said and done I feel the urge to need to take a shit again and I want to kill myself
<faggot spacing
if you ever fucked a guy or girl in the ass you better thank them for their services


File: 39044 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (708.99 KB, 1086x1412) ImgOps

i love a dedicated bottom i would top you OP


just don't be gay then


this is not the jarty


fell for the most obvious baits known to mankind award


File: oh Im the diapercuck.mp4 📥︎ (8.47 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

>Being a bottom is a pain in the ass (pun intended)
>I clean my ass with a douching kit then take a shower then immediately have to take a shit right after so I have to start all over again then after that I have to loosen up but my bottle of lube is being retarded and won't squirt properly then after that I have to either take my dildo or buttplug and painfully do the first insertion then after all is said and done I feel the urge to need to take a shit again and I want to kill myself
><faggot spacing
>if you ever fucked a guy or girl in the ass you better thank them for their services

kys diapercuck


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (2.71 MB, 1440x960) ImgOps

You will eventually get the hang of it, when I started my bottoming journey it was pretty hard at first but I eventually got the hang of it and it's basically routine now
don't give up!


File: 70240 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (61.05 KB, 512x550) ImgOps

>You will eventually get the hang of it, when I started my bottoming journey it was pretty hard at first but I eventually got the hang of it and it's basically routine now
>don't give up!


upping to piss off homophobic 'teens






File: over.png 📥︎ (104.92 KB, 632x900) ImgOps

being a top is so hard.

my bottoms always call it off when I have fun because their head hurt or my dick is so sharp it made them leak.
I feel like abandoning bottoms and going for pussy all together


i see this as a lesson from God about sodomy


Does not respect boundaries award
or maybe you are just really shit at fucking ass


kys faggot


File: doe dance.gif 📥︎ (756.86 KB, 600x900) ImgOps

shit at fucking ass even doe all my bottoms come back asking for more even doe they struggled to handle it the first time

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