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am i a bad person




are you joking i cant tell
just tell me in a formal way if its bad or not


Just stop doing it, outside of it being weird how do you date someone who is basically retarded compared to you


Show hand


Kill yourself pedocuck


it's legal and normal. You're ok.


kys pedophile


t. pedocuck with 13 children locked up in his basement


File: IMG_20240512_180550.png πŸ“₯︎ (699.26 KB, 1205x904) ImgOps


>cracker is a disgusting pedophile
As expected of the so called "superior" race…


am ashkenazi tho


File: kangz.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (53.57 KB, 600x600) ImgOps

>Das rite brutha you tell those crackers who boss


I want to ram my huge cock into your tight bussy nyaaaa~


That’s literally pedophilia and literally rape. You should be publicly executed for this. Even doe mutilating children and calling it β€œlife saving gender health care” or some shit like that is perfectly fine


I genuinely dont get how anyone can have a problem with that gap even in mutthio


No because its possible for a 18 in highschool to date a 16 year old, it only becomes pedophile shit when it's a 16 and 19 year old together


>you go from retard to normal in 2 years
your mind on amerigolemism everyone

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