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white people hate thread ?


>white people hate thread ?


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How did white people even come to existence? Leprosy = white skin. It’s a form of albinism which makes people lack melanin. So you have these mutated genetic defect people born with white skin coming from these black ppl… Some of them being born with eye colors other than brown (I.e.: blue, green, etc) which are signs of disease and again, genetic defects and associated with a degree of albinism… Same can be said about people who don’t have black hair, if you have a different hair color then ur pigmentation is fucked and it’s likely that your ancestor is some albino fuck who got kicked out of Africa for looking like a diseased devilish fuck bringing in all sorts of pestilence into the world. Fuck the white man aka the devil man bka the evolved form of some albino monkey from 20,000 years ago"


>kikes hate white people
wow I had no idea


cry more ytboi we fuckin yo women LOL!


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>cry more ytboi we fuckin yo women LOL!


Yall whitebois so superior till yall see tyrone fuckin yo women and beating timmy in the streets for being a whiteboi LOL!


>muuuh deeeeek! muuh seeegs!
why are niggers so primitive?


white people have NO culture, white history is filled with hatred and evil of you cracker jack, crack-honkeys stealing from other races including their cultures. blacks are inferior in culture you say? atleast we have one, where whites have none at all, when u think of white culture what comes to mind? music? no blacks did that, dancing? the spanish did that, food? mexicans, took that. not to mention white people are genetically INFERIOR to blacks, white people are prone to skin cancer, sunburns, eye cancer, lice, aging quickly, un-athletic, if you think your race is seriously surperior just because your kind can solve useless math equations , than you're a fucking idiot.


premium bait thread


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Most obvious chudbait award


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shitskin jealousy thread? shitskin jealous thread


yo kind trooning out cuz they cant compete with my bibisi


nigger you are literally typing and speaking in a white language on a device invented by whites

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