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We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

It's time to return the favor.


oh hey its yothiccsuba


File: 1711858722272m.png 📥︎ (196.76 KB, 602x812) ImgOps

>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


holy fuck 4CHAD we're sorry please don't harm our site


File: 1711858722272m.png 📥︎ (196.76 KB, 602x812) ImgOps

>oh hey its yothiccsuba


File: 1711858722272m.png 📥︎ (196.76 KB, 602x812) ImgOps

>holy fuck 4CHAD we're sorry please don't harm our site


File: oldson.png 📥︎ (67.03 KB, 775x849) ImgOps

>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


File: 4cuckseethejak.png 📥︎ (162.26 KB, 565x533) ImgOps

>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


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>>>>>>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.
>>>>>>It's time to return the favor.


>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


What if hitler sucked yotsuba's bbc


only leftist discord tranny raiders use the word "clitty" doebeit


>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.
>It's time to return the favor.


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>What if hitler sucked yotsuba's bbc


SOOOOOOOT make a hoi4 mod about this


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>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


just found out about 4cuck award


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>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


OP is an actual agent from 4chan btw


honestly as a gen Zer this site constantly siding with stereotypical zoomers is genuinely so tiring
theres no reason why anyone here would logically support a zoomer, they hate trannies, they hate nigger culture, and zoomers contribute to the most of those two(even white zoomers)
the only reason people here go “zoomers le GOOD actually” is purely for the sake of being contrarian, it’s all from the redditor ass mindset of “guys what if we did the OPPOSITE of our enemies LUL XDDD DEY’LL BE SO MAD”
None of you know how it is to be sitting at a lunch table and then a bunch of wiggers with the exact same hairstyle and face come to sit down and immediately start cracking the most generic annoying jokes possible at you
4cuck’s hate of zoomers isn’t just because of why other generations hate zoomers, most of nu4cuck is gen z themselves actually, it’s because of how fucking annoying they can be compared to anything else and with imageboards like this one being a stray from normal social media they serve as a way to get away from stereotypical zoomers for once
accept the truth, you don’t like zoomers.


blud wrote a whole ahh essay


honestly as a gen Zer this site constantly siding with stereotypical zoomers is genuinely so tiring
theres no reason why anyone here would logically support a zoomer, they hate trannies, they hate nigger culture, and zoomers contribute to the most of those two(even white zoomers)
the only reason people here go “zoomers le GOOD actually” is purely for the sake of being contrarian, it’s all from the redditor ass mindset of “guys what if we did the OPPOSITE of our enemies LUL XDDD DEY’LL BE SO MAD”
None of you know how it is to be sitting at a lunch table and then a bunch of wiggers with the exact same hairstyle and face come to sit down and immediately start cracking the most generic annoying jokes possible at you
4cuck’s hate of zoomers isn’t just because of why other generations hate zoomers, most of nu4cuck is gen z themselves actually, it’s because of how fucking annoying they can be compared to anything else and with imageboards like this one being a stray from normal social media they serve as a way to get away from stereotypical zoomers for once
accept the truth, you don’t like zoomers.


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>honestly as a gen Zer this site constantly siding with stereotypical zoomers is genuinely so tiring
>theres no reason why anyone here would logically support a zoomer, they hate trannies, they hate nigger culture, and zoomers contribute to the most of those two(even white zoomers)
>the only reason people here go “zoomers le GOOD actually” is purely for the sake of being contrarian, it’s all from the redditor ass mindset of “guys what if we did the OPPOSITE of our enemies LUL XDDD DEY’LL BE SO MAD”
>None of you know how it is to be sitting at a lunch table and then a bunch of wiggers with the exact same hairstyle and face come to sit down and immediately start cracking the most generic annoying jokes possible at you
>4cuck’s hate of zoomers isn’t just because of why other generations hate zoomers, most of nu4cuck is gen z themselves actually, it’s because of how fucking annoying they can be compared to anything else and with imageboards like this one being a stray from normal social media they serve as a way to get away from stereotypical zoomers for once
>accept the truth, you don’t like zoomers.


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I ain't reading allat fellow


5 words too long


even if this is a pasta issa truthnuke, albeit it feels 4cucks cant differentiate good zoomers from normal retard zoomers so they just hate them all, also zoomerspeak is retarded groidbabble but you gotta admit its funny to use in an ironic way sometimes because of how stupid it sounds


Moot did NOT die for this


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>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


File: gaa gaa gaaa.gif 📥︎ (1.38 MB, 255x255) ImgOps

>We gave you zoomers a chance, we told you to respect our 4cuck culture, and instead you quoted us with your hideous rage faces.

>It's time to return the favor.


File: Only in Ohio.jpg 📥︎ (8.06 KB, 360x360) ImgOps

bro what


Nìgga is fluent in yappanese


aint reading allat yapping

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