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what % of soyteens do you think were molested as kids?
this is probably the main way of growing up to be a soyteen






datamining threat though


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came from anal again award





Nigga what




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And you're telling me that 100% of soyteens agree and relate to what you just said? Damn.


100% of people say this and look like this


Ohio pepe


pepe if he turkish


not molested but constantly beat up


Hot, why what did you do


I was pretty clear. I could've been a boywhore but I missed out on my chance.



When I was like 14 and femboyed around online this guy tried to groom me for like a day and asked me if I was into new frootist order stuff


fuck i forgot about the BNW0 filter


Nigga how many dicks have you taken


Wasn't me doe

Only 2 different ones


Leave it to a frog tranny to wanna know who was molested


Oh wow that's not hot my condolences anon


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>soitroonniggercuckshiteatingretarddownsyndromecraplickerfaggot doesn't deny that xhe was molested
>soitroonniggercuckshiteatingretarddownsyndromecraplickerfaggot starts projecting about trannies out of nowhere


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so you never had to do butthole scrubbing? thats not normal growing up?


You mean you were fishing for pedos?
Marge, were you groomed or did you find actual boyfriends?


I mean I liked male attention but I'm mostly attracted to femboys. Still am but now I'm a gross manly 16 year old neanderthal instead of a cute androgynous 14 year old that guys think is cute


Wasn't groomed, first guy was a guy on der 'cord when 'cord was new who happened to live near me and it was my idea. Second dick is my current boyfriend.


Did you know homosexuality is caused by cortisol stress damage to brain tissue?


>stress makes you a faggot….. because… it just does ok?


holy fvcking retarderald
>'cord and being a faggot together



Didn't even read the abstract award


Are you the descriptive filename shotacob from earlier


Idk who that is, I just steal filenames by clicking on them as it much faster than manually downloading them


Stealing filenames is keyed


this thread reeks


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Remember that when soiclitties call you a frognigger, in the back of their mind they're having autopedophilic fantasies.


I mean, I miss those times a lot
Now I just doompost on r9k. I wish I could go back


It's not over for you yet if you estrogen + raloxifene maxx
I still pass for 15 at 24


I'm on HRT already but its too late jej I already need surgery for my gigaogre browbone and gigachad jawline. You were probably just low T + had a really weak puberty, but because of having subhuman Portumonkey high T genetics and an ugly fuck father male puberty ruined me


marge are you the femboy or le 'cordson poster
>>4341 >>4342


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The former femboy yes


Oh yeah that sucks, sorry to hear that
I got lucky having an extremely weak puberty


Yeah gonna try work hard to get FFS but most likely 41 is the way


this site is more full of degenerates than i initially thought, what should i do


back to the sharty after a few months, do we just accept these people now? >>4346


i know right? and i thought i was a degenerate, i'm actually so tame compared to these niggers


I'm not part of the community I'm from r9k and lgbt I just come here and to the booru sometimes because the jaks are funny


>implying an imageboard wouldn't be full of degens
>implying gen Z isn't full of degenerates even doe i sound like an old 4tranny now
The only way to avoid interacting with degens at this point is too kys and that's le bad


I don't know I've been here since those several months back and there were still some faggots seen


Sorry I've (>>6420774) been here since May 21


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suicide is keyed and you will get reincarnated as the life you wanted most


he was NOT /calm/


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he's /calm/ now because he crossed over to the other side.. i need to join him


I'm calm now


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>moved to >>>/bait/4302


You're right doe i guess, i heard that people are in general happier on days they plan to kts


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The only reason I'm still here is because I told myself I had to at least try before I rope but honestly it just makes me feel even more trapped and that I'm gonna have to be here for years. I just hope it all turns out to be worth it and maybe I won't want to rope then

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