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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


Password (For file deletion.)

File: wholesome soyak.png 📥︎ (12.19 KB, 644x800) ImgOps


FROOOOOOOOOOOOOT Lets apologize to all the people we harmed over the years, Fruit baskets to racerneem, ice cream to minus8, biscuits to 'afe, a whole memorial to tribute /lgbt/ 4*chan, not cuck* posters! and cut some kiwis to well… kiwifarms but only as long as they don't come here to bring harmful raid activities along!


Holy fuck let's do this!


it's never been more over




Lets start with support children in need charities


File: doz gem.gif 📥︎ (122.13 KB, 788x811) ImgOps



Holy fvck do this


Why was it moved


I swear you nuretards can't fucking read. It clearly says raiding is allowed and doxxing people who messed with the site is allowed (so racerneem doxx would be allowed today)

Also sorry for using cap twice today




no one cares, revert these gay ass shitcord tier rules already




File: 1708720565806.gif 📥︎ (171.23 KB, 680x414) ImgOps

>everything i disagree with is da coooooord


its not bait unmove moddy


this thread looks out of place compared to the other tranny shit here

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