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 GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG is this what soicacas think is white?


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He looks whiter than me


post hand frognigger


post your hand then


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TSMT ! frog sister.


>evendoe whiteness is a spectrum according to science.
Why are frogs always 20 years behind the rest of the world?


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ok soi caca



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why is there one grain of sand




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>post hand frognigger


>Sub human penmanship
Yup issa low IQ


Why don't you capitalize the first word of your sentence? Why don't you use a question mark when asking a question?


because its faster


^Future tranny




hi browny


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>caring about penmanship
Cope from kids who were considered gifted in elementary school and are now realizing they're average.


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whitest soishit geg


mutty boy


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>Cope from kids who were considered gifted in elementary school and are now realizing they're average.




Nvke of trvth.


BBC mogger


File: KISMET.mp4 📥︎ (15.09 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

that's white doe + saged!


Cope meds seethe dilate


File: NUMBER.mp4 📥︎ (19.19 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

I don't dilate because I have a big WHITE cock + saged


sageGOD victory

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