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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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I went on /lgbt/ and some of them are actually really hecking cute and valid


looks like a dude


File: chud_troon.gif (104.5 KB, 498x406) ImgOps

disgusting tranny that VILL burn in niggerhell


Oh my cob who the hell cares


File: cobson1.png (18.44 KB, 721x720) ImgOps





whats her cord


Honestly would not just only that i will definetly cuddle with xer take xer dates and most importantly im gonna sniff the fuck out those boots feets and socks


Very feminine hairline


degen doesnt post there anymore doe and is a genetic outlier


only in New York skbidid rizz tranny


very feminine until he turns 25 and starts looking like a man again

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