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 β„–3441Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4]

Hi, i'm Soot, creator and former administrator of Soyjak.Party. in this thread you can ask me some questions and i will try to the answer them in the best way possible




Are incredible gassy and bbc spam better than soyquotes/soyduels?




is this real leno or someone confirm NOOOOOW


What the hell is "Incredible Gassy?"


Pristine IAS gemerald unlike oldnigger soyquote spam


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soot what do you think of this image


Ok, but like, i'm too lazy to search what it is. Can you teln me what is is exactly?


soot can you buy the sharty


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Its fat mr incredible farting on a cock




I don't get it
Not currently


post with trip on or kys





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when will you buy it


No i don't think i will kaafir


then you should be able to identify yourself with soots email.


I don't think i'm gonna buy the site again. If one day I have enough money i might do it, though.


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soory soor do you watch skibidi toilet


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post a video of u jerking off and nutting with audio


soor notice me


Stop falseflag me is soot




omg its the real soot>


what if you made a sharty 2.0 with a different site like basedjak.party


opinions on skibidi toilet grimace shake rizz?


Eeeh maybe. But I don't know if it will get popular. I don't want to cause another schism like with lute and jakparty.





I like skibidi, idk about the others


1. Which geological term denotes an arch-like fold of rocks where the oldest beds of rock are found towards the centre of the fold? This landform contrasts with a syncline, where the youngest rocks are found at the centre
2. The step pyramid known as El Castillo or the Temple of Kukulcan dominates which pre-Colombian Mesoamerican city and archaeological site in the Mexican state of YucatΓ‘n?
3. Which nucleobase occurs in DNA but not in RNA, where it is replaced by uracil?
4. The only person ever to be named Time Magazine's Person of the Year two years in succession was which US President?
5. Which one of the eight classic schools of magic in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons specialises in the power of prophecy to acquire information?


I cant read


thoughts on blogposting and plier?


brimstone made by a brown pedocordnigger


Bad soot hate blogpost


do it because you're not a literal who and only oldDEITYs will join


Not stickied fakerald




soor be like: sell low buy high! kek! xDDDDDD


Yes, why?


prove youre the real soup


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Give me your honest opinion on froot




Meh. I like some of his policies but I think he's too much of a rulecuck sometimes


Thoughts on trannybait and BBC "jokes"?


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very /biz/like


Coal obvsiously


Gem because i am black


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Is smugjak (on left) a gem?


Btw the guys the questions don't have to be always sharty-related, you can ask me about p*liticis or my life or other things




Yes but not as gemmy as the classic jaks.



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Is Mr. L gemmy?


I dont know him or her whatever


Who? Is he a youtuber or something?




what would you do to fix the current sharty IF you were admin?


More lax rules and more.preservation of old soy culture


Delete this shithole


Thoughts on Five Night's At Cobson?


Gem obviously


I've seen it and it looks very gemmy


kill yt


Do you think 4cuck was good at one point?


Yes i enjoyed the /qa/ days


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Yes he made a pretty gemmy video on Lee Goldson https://youtube.com/@ImMisterL?si=tf1MxEyN2oQrcCUU


When /qa/ was still open it was kinda good. I've been told it was good in the 2000s also, but I joined later so I can't confirm


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when fnac gonna be available on mac


what do you think of frog posters?


He looks cool


More rules of course


I jerk off to them. Sometimes I imagine them kidnapping me and raping me


They USED to be good but NOW? they are below bbc posters honestly




soot do you have skibidi rizz?


Sometimes funny but mostly annoying


ive seen frogposters post some rare trvthnvkes sometimes


is 'zellig sharty culture?


Yes actually. I bought a skibidi toilet shirt this summer


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Prove you are soob!


It's sharty culture but not /qa/ culture



hey soot, could you update the UI at all because it feels like every other altchan, looks-wise, thx.


how many children did you molest?


No, drink bleach and die


Zero i hate pedophiles


You should ask Kvz about that


guys who is the real soot there are like 5 impostors



soot how do you feel about all th sussy imposters impersonating you right now?


Me (the OP)




send the 'shot


Ok just give me a second


No, drink Bleach and die


kill yourself obssesed faggot


If you were to meet a real soyjak irl who would it be?


Soot here, just to let you know I'm gooning to all your questions right now. Please keep them cumming :3


Soot, hi, do you play any instruments? Did you ever take lessons?


I play oboe



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You’re not soor


You are disgusting


No janny confirming it ITT therefore fakerald


These are all me, others are impostors


Wholesome soyjak




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God thats the most obvious edit ever


retard its (You) (OP) not (OP) (You)


soot what do you think about all the homosexuals on this website?


For some reason it appears like that to me.


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Thoughts on picrel?


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This is the real soot


Not a fan but gays are not that bad it's trannies that are really annoying.


do you think the ((FBI or the CIA)) are on our tracks?


Looks like a way to normalize furfaggotry on the sharty. Maybe i'm wrong though


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>Hi, i'm Soot, creator and former administrator of Soyjak.Party. in this thread you can ask me some questions and i will try to the answer them in the best way possible




My pronouns are she/her by the way


Yes. In fact the sharty is currently the center of a spiritual battle between good/god and evil/satan


I am homosexual myself


>>3571 is an imposter, do not listen to him


soot can you itch my back for me?


Stop impersonating me


You thought this is funny?


Is soytan a gem?


greatest 'party raid?


Nigga i can't itch you through a computer


theres no way people think this is actually Soot


Sure :)


If you want, sure.


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soot do you like buses


That time we raided zoomerchan and got it to shut down


Soot can you repair my entire body


What are your fetishes?


Sure :)


Like it or not its me


Soooooooooooooor, do you plan on going back to be a janny or higher in here?


Lord Soot give us your opinion on β€˜zellig


Are there any other sharty youtubers besides Soytube Kids? Seems like this has a lot of potential


Can you confirm if this is true?


Soot tell me a bedtime story



soooor opinions on drawfags?


Why should i tell you?




For some reason i like femboy


I love zellig it's so hecking gender affirming


i love you soor soor


I like them they make gems sometimes
Dont like it personally



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I love you too


Fake soory soor
Real soot is extremely bitter and hates everyone


I hate everyone except you


thoughts on cytubes?


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soot do you go on aol.com at all


Good for executing raids sometimes




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soot rizz me up


My folder is gone


Drink Bleach and die



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fake or something.
this is just a pr stunt by the fdl.


soot do you still have a girlfriend



They're all short unthought of answers so I think it is geg


We broke up




why is this still up? is it actually soot?


If its fake janny would delete it right?


You think…?

It's not we're just fuckkng around


i'll never understand why larp threads get so many replies


These are me, others are impostors


fdl is staging it, this is all fake



Please have your fucking limbs cut off.


Calm down Lee


soot Im hungry


Go eat something then duh


Eat something chud


lolkekhands typed this post



Soot post your fucking face right now






Post your bussy instead soot


would you be willing to post a peice of your face?




Not today CIA. Not but seriously they're after me, i can't posy have my face for that reason


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my bus


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So hot
I just shot one into the sink


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My eye


A10 Aryan?



If you guys want to see my face, you have to promise me you never tell anyone after i delete the post


Water is wet


Stop it impostor


I baited nonody though. I'm soot


Faggot you're the impostor




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yes i promise do it


Ok, just let me take a photo




What do you think about the direction the sharty has taken after you left?




thoughts on patrick crusius?


I think you should try more dph


soot why did you spew on my food




Captain Coal did nothing wrong


Bad, the worst raid ever.


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>Nonokoing this thread


I like him
To me it seems like furries trying to normalize their shit here.


see >>3566


Are you still not a muslim?


Do you still use β€˜jaks anywhere on the internet?


Have you been in contact with pedo? Is he still alive?


Not very often but yes


I mean K u u z


I use them with my gf and my friends online




He's dead sadly. He died on january 9th


Ever use the β€˜cuck these days?


apple juice or orange juice?


No but I sometimes use desuarchive.org to remind myself of the good old days


I browse /cm/ for fresh Omori picture




Do you post on here


Yes sometimes


What’s your favorite music? What about least favorite?


Should NAS be allowed on /soy/?


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He died from a stroke, sadly. May she rest in piece.


Most: Nigger Rap
Least: Nigger Rap


Is Cobson gem or coal


A little bit NAS don't hurt





>>3693 >>3694 are impostors btw


Gem but i hate the spadeson racebait


Israel or Palestine?


what are your thoughts on people finding soyjaks attractive?


Prove you are me


What’s the most retarded thing you ever heard, internet or real life


I support palestine but hate the current pro-palestine movement




Post a screenshot to disprove impostors



I already did twice




Captain Coal did nothing wrong given the current state of this place


opinions on genocide?


what is it doe


Captain coal is my brother. That whole incident was made up


Human lives matter


what’s ya favorite’jak




Wholesome soyjak


How do you make money?


Yep impostor confirmed


I work as a delivery doordash


what do you think about der β€˜cord


Thoughts on Froot?


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thoughts on this image


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Soot, do you have a gf?


Goddamnit why did you have to remind me it exists


Yes stop asking me the same questions guys


Why are you called soot?


Soot is a type of dust.


Soot what do you think of smugjak


Do you think /soy/ is the successor to old /b/?


Ever participated in a sharty raid?


Yes. Though i didn't spend on time on old /b/



The first one (zoomerchan) yes, the others no


all time favorite book show and movie?


Should the sharty be deleted


Lord of the rings


Favorite website (excluding soyjak.party)




What do you think of a Kiwifarms?




They're ok i guess


Are you ESL?


what do you think about β€˜teens making gartic phones, skribbl.io, cytubes and things that bond them? is it a good thing?


Even doe soots name actually comes from putting s in place of the m in moot


Do you hate Apple?


Its a good thing


its pedo


No, me is American


Is muttjak a forced meme?


What do you think of the Amerimutt β€˜jaks


Send your emails to prove you are soot


Yes but its not that bad compared to other forced memes


impostor failerald


My old email work


The CIA, FBI and FSB are all after me, i cant post my email


Was Ted K keyed?



How bad β€˜β€™β€™is’’’ namefagging to you?


I like it, but now with the europe vs america thing




so you like philosophy? if so, what philosophers or ideas?


Of coursr



I like aristotle


How bad is namefagging to you?


Retards this is not soot because if it was soot this thread would be pinned and soot would be given tripcode


A bit


Marcus Aurelius


is satoko_houjou_fan aryan?


Yes this is me, hello chud i am soot




Is BBC aryan?


Who? I don't browse this site let alone knowing namefag


You are not even OP geg


One of thr WORST namefags i've ever seen. Sometimes he makes me think the booru was mistake. Hope he dies a painful feath


Are you 100% nigga?


I am OP, drink Bleach you asshole


Yeah this nigga ain't soot. Why would xe care about some 'ru namenigger


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nusois are so gullible KEK!


>>3776 is an impostor
I am op




Are you a twinkjak poster


What’s the worst β€˜jak?


how has your life been?


Yeah whatever burn faggot


Were you there during the great Soyset when /qa/ fell?








Hey soot are you admin 6?


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At least it was fun


Me is admin one




Hey soot are you a retarded nigger


If froot doesn't move this thread back to /soy/ i declare war




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You guys will fall for anything

An admin or mod will create the soot Q&A thread


and before a wikitranny takes 2 seconds to add this to the Happening page and I have to recruit a janny to Correct The Record (no you retards I didnt make the 'oygem thread on froot), I didn't make this thread or move it, but it was funny to wake up to


how much traffic does the sharty get compared to the 'cuck? are you catching up?


Opinions on onions and basedjaks?

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