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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


Password (For file deletion.)

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chuddies can't stop taking L's today
you love to see it


File: IMG_2821.jpeg šŸ“„ļøŽ (13.8 KB, 255x128) ImgOps

you dont need to be so rude


File: pepeGOD.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (42.25 KB, 620x687) ImgOps


if you can believe you're a woman then you can believe you've won an argument against chuds


>tranny doesn't even bother to put an arrow
/pol/ won


File: 1678584469912.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (24.01 KB, 640x590) ImgOps

>/pol/ won
>no arrow!!


must be depressing having to cope this hard


>>/pol/ won
>>no arrow!!


File: 1695620566006-2.gif šŸ“„ļøŽ (509.74 KB, 510x593) ImgOps

>posting DADDY root to prove it's a "chud website"


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soot told me to tell you to kill yourself


This happened


check the namefield babygirl


the mods being chudcels doesn't surprise me.
how does their cock taste tho?


try to stop thinking about dicks, faggot


Soot is literally the founder of this website geg he is not a "mod"
keep coping tranny, you don't belong here


>meat rides sheriff clittywood


fuck off nazi scum


projecting tranny


chvd website and when donald trvmp coups the US it'll be chvd world


File: DA_POLLLS.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (48.61 KB, 796x743) ImgOps

>fuck off nazi scum


>Unironcally posting this
>They guy who was adamant about chudjak and blacked spam


common leftist W


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>common leftist W


File: chuddyquote.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (117.09 KB, 591x773) ImgOps


literally nobody is green doe


no circlejerk can be held for long.


>moved to bait
made janny clitty leak award

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