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I'm popping HRT but not cos I "identify as a woman".
I'm just autistic-ally hyper-masculine to a point that I need to feminize myself in order to prevent me from exploding everywhere
I'm 22 and I look 16 so there's no real drawbacks tbh.
I might switch to injections + progesterone, get FFS and change my voice cos why not? If I need to begome of a wombyn anyways I might as well do it well


Having said that, "I turned my penis inside-out; there was a vagina inside" are the words of a criminally insane person who ought to be sectioned for the rest of their lives for the safety of themselves and others.


Blue that is NOT as Soyjak ☠️☠️☠️???


File: NonCompromisedPepe.png 📥︎ (209.99 KB, 720x651) ImgOps


Did you cage your clitty doe


Tbh before I start progesterone which'll boost up my labido I need to make myself erect once a day in order to prevent erectile dysfunction so it wouldn't be practical.


Are you gonna goon to BBC


I prefer BWC personally


Are you a femboy?


I'm frequently described as such, though I've made no active effort to become one


File: 128039128309platejaktransw….png 📥︎ (523.62 KB, 676x661) ImgOps


>hyper masculine
>people describe me as a femboy


Post pics


OP: lel


post your bussy

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