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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1672369281291.gif 📥︎ (608.72 KB, 373x498) ImgOps


kill yourself froot, you're the worst owner of this site
stop shitting it up, you're worse than even max


File: roll.gif 📥︎ (1.43 MB, 373x498) ImgOps

fixd gif


Hi Iraqi


File: 1672734304765565.png 📥︎ (9.44 KB, 384x293) ImgOps

>Hi Iraqi


That's not how you soyquote


Froots ideology around being a site admkn is indistinguishable from the average discord admin

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