>>3202The tranny is probably gone but ima rant anyways, it's good training for my studies.
The real problem with transgenderism is it's incoherent definition of the word "gender" based on it's aimed goals.
If you define gender, you have 3 options :
- Either gender is personnality and behaviour, aka observable non genetic human aspects, which includes cultural standards on clothing for example, on activities, social behaviour et cetera.
This would mean that a woman is a woman because she is feminine, a man is a man because he is masculine. And this, in the set goal of the transgender ideology, is incoherent, since it doesn't want to reproduce sexism, and instead wants to act as a force against it. Moreover, no one on earth can agree on what being "feminine" or being "masculine" is, since there are in the definitions of these words multiple cultural aspects.
- Or gender is a subjective feeling, that cannot be attached nor to physical propreties such as genetics, nor to behavioural and cultural norms, as mentionned above. In this definition, gender is nothing more than a word you attach your subjective feeling of being, aka your phenomenal consciousness. This is perfectly subjective, cannot be observed or even worded, since you only know of your own feeling of self and have no comparison to it, which is a requirement to define anything.
Then, "gender" loses all it's meaning and even trying to define it is stupid, the word loses all purpose of existing. And something way better exists to define your feeling of self anyways : your name.
Who you are is you, you don't feel like a man or like a woman, you feel like yourself, a feeling no one in this world can see, feel or comprehend. There is no need to add a gender to it.
- And the final definition, which is imo the only coherent one, is gender being a physically observable thing in human beings through genetics and anatomy. A male is a man, a female is a woman. Intersex people are not the norm, they are unfortunate errors of nature, as cruel as it sounds it is just that. It doesn't take away their dignity, but them being disabled, they have to fit in society, and in all cases, we can always tell what nature """intended""" for them to be, either through genetics or through anatomical features, which then helps us to understand what gender they were supposed to be.
Now, as a student in psychology, I find the discussion around dysphoria ridiculous : Dysohoria is psychological illness, a mental illness. You don't treat mental illnesses by destroying the body, but alas no real proposition nor research has been made into alternative solution to dysphoria that don't involve pills or cutting your dick off, it's mindblowing.