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I'm trans (MtF) but i am unironically interested in unconventional politics including fascism and national socialism, where is a good non-jewish source to read about these topics?


>inb4 he calls me tr*nny
I get it now get back to the topic at hand and recommend me some books or something




God's greatest bait.
anyways, kys


Thanks but no thanks chuddy, i can't myself claim to understand what leads you to say this if i don't get educated about chudcel beliefs preferably by their own books




Dougal dixon


kinda fitting because speculative evolution is essential transcore


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>I'm trans (MtF) but i am unironically interested in unconventional politics including fascism and national socialism, where is a good non-jewish source to read about these topics?


shut it down



Return to the 'cuck, tranny.
That's exactly what you're looking for


this thread will stay up at page 1 for 12 hours because chudcels don't know how to not respond to bait THOUGH


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Why are they like this?


even though the cuck is full of bots and boomers


100% suicide rate


It doesn't have to be this way though, theres already in vivo fertilization for both FtM and MtFs


Soyclitties fall for the shittiest bait geeeeeeeeeeeeg


>transcorE… LE BAD


by your logic everything on this board is a bait at this point


hitler and the man who built this statue would gas you on sight


Read Siege



Can't blame someone for believing nobody would rationally become a tranny willingly


There were trans and black people in germany. Many trans people already believe communism which essentially doubts war time propaganda of the west so why not believe that there was western propaganda about germany too? I don't understand why they don't make this connection


same could be said about chudcels who are known for not having sex and being dyel losers


Mein Kampf Dalton Translation

The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini



Never said otherwise, meds


>no one would willingly not choose to not have sex but not have sex


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I will give you the anecdotal version then.
Fascism isn't what leads us to hate you, it's your morally and logically incorrect method of thinking.
From our perspective, it looks like insanity.
It looks like you are ripping flesh and poisoning your muscles and an attempt to reach another form of life.
You people understand this is impossible, so you settle for being merely called a woman in combination with this modern ritual of self destruction.
Furthermore, you insist on us calling you something that you are not.
You try to change the definition to fit your preferences and delusions.
I feel genuine sadness for these poor souls who chase the impossible.
I wish I could somehow bring them back.
Look into any one of their eyes, and you see the desperation that has ruined them.
You are so convinced of your seemingly remarkable achievement, like the king without clothes.
I hope you find your way back.
Shut up, I am writing an autistic analysis.


Not every trans person undergoes surgery meds, many doubt the effectiveness too


it wasn't a "but" statement rather an "and" statement, trans persons AND chudcels suffer from this issue


>words words words

xhey literally prefer it though


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But the concept remains.
I'm sure you have heard of the acronym 'YWNBAW', yes?
You will never be a woman.
No matter how you present yourself or what you call yourself, you will never be a woman.
It's an undeniable fact of reality.

I like writing, and I don't mind explaining my opinions and ideologies.


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>get back to the topic at hand and recommend me some books or something
nypa faggot
>kill yourself
Go back to Reddit faggot
>shut it down


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>Doesn't even name his photos
You are of the most despicably slobby sort.


Ill listen to what you have to say about "what is a woman" as long as it's not some christcuck regurtitated nonsense like matt walsh




Holy gem, someone make an edit with a Janny, Doll, and Froot


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>I'm trans (MtF) but i am unironically interested in unconventional politics including f-ACKKKK!!!!


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sorry i used the wrong one



Geg, no you won't. You aren't willing nor ready to listen to anything relating a belief so strong it shapes how you treat your own body, the most valuable thing you own. If it turns out to be false, you'll have wasted time, maybe money, maybe even your health.


>chudcels rather post silly pictures instead of turning on their brain for once to help someone intellectually
no suprise here


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>i decide for you what you are willing to do
Nice fantasy timmy but this is not how the world works


and you cant just kill pipo you dont like


>Comes to the sharty
>Fantasizes on killing 'teens
>Self-inserts as Yotsoyba

Geg, OP couldn't hide anymore.
Back to the 'cuck, immigrant.


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Comes to the sharty
Fantasizes on killing 'teens
Self-inserts as Yotsoyba




we don't help trannies


who is we nigga pretending like he a blood or crip ??


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We have arrived at the crux of the issue.
Have you ever heard of goalpost moving?
When faced with the fact that the current definition of a woman does not confer your delusion of any semblance of reality, you change the definition to grant your idea authenticity.
Here is your definition.
A woman is someone who is of the XX genome.
That is the most literal definition, although it loses much abstraction.
There are a few exceptions, namely genetic disorders.
That cultural idea of a woman is then combined with the literal definition to give us a term which holds much abstraction, the idea of a woman.
From my perspective, my idea of a woman was deemed "incorrect" and "false", while the alternative was far more undefined and degenerate.


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>tranny malding


Lets pretend this one sided analysis is true it still doesn't justify oppression towards trans people and or hatred, do you hate people with genetic disorders too? Not a productive way to look at this and i'm not necessarily opposed to hitlers ideas on euthanasia, but this was a position not of hate but rather of support, compared to your emotional loaded view of trans people


First, I'd like to thank the mod for moving this to /bait/.
Second, why change the subject?
No, I don't hate people with genetic disorders.
I believe the system we have in place at the moment works well enough.
I don't believe in euthanasia as a general solution.


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And in the silent stagnation of this thread, I claim victory.
The tranny has fled.
Total sharty victory.


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The tranny is probably gone but ima rant anyways, it's good training for my studies.

The real problem with transgenderism is it's incoherent definition of the word "gender" based on it's aimed goals.

If you define gender, you have 3 options :

- Either gender is personnality and behaviour, aka observable non genetic human aspects, which includes cultural standards on clothing for example, on activities, social behaviour et cetera.
This would mean that a woman is a woman because she is feminine, a man is a man because he is masculine. And this, in the set goal of the transgender ideology, is incoherent, since it doesn't want to reproduce sexism, and instead wants to act as a force against it. Moreover, no one on earth can agree on what being "feminine" or being "masculine" is, since there are in the definitions of these words multiple cultural aspects.

- Or gender is a subjective feeling, that cannot be attached nor to physical propreties such as genetics, nor to behavioural and cultural norms, as mentionned above. In this definition, gender is nothing more than a word you attach your subjective feeling of being, aka your phenomenal consciousness. This is perfectly subjective, cannot be observed or even worded, since you only know of your own feeling of self and have no comparison to it, which is a requirement to define anything.
Then, "gender" loses all it's meaning and even trying to define it is stupid, the word loses all purpose of existing. And something way better exists to define your feeling of self anyways : your name.
Who you are is you, you don't feel like a man or like a woman, you feel like yourself, a feeling no one in this world can see, feel or comprehend. There is no need to add a gender to it.

- And the final definition, which is imo the only coherent one, is gender being a physically observable thing in human beings through genetics and anatomy. A male is a man, a female is a woman. Intersex people are not the norm, they are unfortunate errors of nature, as cruel as it sounds it is just that. It doesn't take away their dignity, but them being disabled, they have to fit in society, and in all cases, we can always tell what nature """intended""" for them to be, either through genetics or through anatomical features, which then helps us to understand what gender they were supposed to be.

Now, as a student in psychology, I find the discussion around dysphoria ridiculous : Dysohoria is psychological illness, a mental illness. You don't treat mental illnesses by destroying the body, but alas no real proposition nor research has been made into alternative solution to dysphoria that don't involve pills or cutting your dick off, it's mindblowing.


Kill yourself


>- And the final definition, which is imo the only coherent one, is gender being a physically observable thing in human beings through genetics and anatomy. A male is a man, a female is a woman. Intersex people are not the norm, they are unfortunate errors of nature, as cruel as it sounds it is just that. It doesn't take away their dignity, but them being disabled, they have to fit in society, and in all cases, we can always tell what nature """intended""" for them to be, either through genetics or through anatomical features, which then helps us to understand what gender they were supposed to be.

That is 100% a fact and not an opinion.


I know but with people who's whole deal is living by their feelins, you need to take the diplomatic route if you wanna actually have a conversation.

This unironically worked a few times for me

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