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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.


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>it's da TROONS who are pink pilling my goyslop
>it's da TROONS that make me watch BBC documentaries
>it's da TROONS who are insufferable not me even for I have no friends while they have plenty
>it's da TROONS are ruining the planet even doe they are major environmentalists
>it's da TROONS who made my favorite site into a tranny even doe every admin has been a straight white male
>it's da TROONS who wear extra small cock cages even doe they have no genitals
>it's da TROONS who are killing themselves even doe chuds arent having sex killing their lineage
>it's da TROONS who make coal even doe they are the only ones who make good OC
>it's da TROONS who made me join their server and play party games with them and not because I was lonely
>it's da TROONS who made my dad disappointed in me even doe he doesn't obsess over useless shit
>it's da TROONS who are always wrong even doe they are generally right and moral people
>it's da TROONS who made my friend hate me even doe I have no personality except for soyjaks
>it's da TROONS who keep popping up in my goonhitler sessions even doe trans has its own category
>it's da TROONS who breed Twitter even doe I am fighting the culture war all day
>it's da TROONS who are the real pedos even doe my catboi cord has been exposed numerous times
>it's da TROONS who are mentally ill even doe I scream irrationally at marginalized people blaming them for all my problems
>it's da TROONS who control corporate America even doe 0.2% of the population
>it's da TROONS even doe I'm a chud and that means I have no credibility


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I say all of these things


rent free


Imagine I posted a smug anime girl looking at you

lole trooooo


Yep yep yep that's me alright




OP here forgot to mention I'm turkish


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>oh boy! i can't wait to watch this new BBC documentary


Who the fuck says this while having short maroon body, dancing , having swastika on their chest, crying and showing off their purple tongue?


Get a life and a job nigger


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Now this is wholesome


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>low effort bait


There it is! The funny spadeson edit! That's all i get for running this place and some 'cord servers.


>Pol Pol Pol
do you got any other material than being 24/7 obsessed with /pol/ if you wanna go to SJW cock party then reddit would be more of your liking, like why are some 30 year old left wing losers doing here this place is for neutral losers are newGODs yes there are lot of newGODs but no one wants newGODs like you here, but if you are all oldCHADs then kys because last thing we need is SJW or nigger oldCHADs

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